At this time, you can get to the US Hawks web site two ways:
- (unsecured protocol)
- (secured protocol)
Note the subtle difference of the "s" after "http" in the secured version.
It is highly recommended that everyone use the site via the secured (https) link so that your password and other private data (such as private messages) will be encrypted when sent over the Internet.
I think both versions will continue to work for now, but at some point we may disable the insecure protocol by forcing the http version to be translated to the https version. Please try the https version and post here if you have any problems. If no problems are reported, we will probably route all http access to https.
Thanks to Rick for prompting this change, and thanks to everyone who posts on the US Hawks and makes the site worthy of continual improvement.
NOTE: It is highly advised that you change your password via the secured (https) protocol and that you only log in via the secured (https) protocol from now on. Whenever you use the insecure (http) protocol, all the information you type in is sent as "plain text". This includes your password (even though it may show up as "stars" while you're typing it). So if the data packets from past logins had been captured ("sniffed"), then the "sniffer" would have your password. I don't know how likely that actually is, but it's highly recommended that you change your password anyway. I just changed mine.