- FrankPostLockedByJackSept24of2018sgREPLY.JPG (77.06 KiB) Viewed 7714 times
- FrankPostLockedByJackSept24of2018.JPG (128.92 KiB) Viewed 7714 times
Thank you, Frank. Right stuff thou art.
With that topic locked after sg made reply, no one in the forum there may correct sg's misunderstandings or refute his statements or suggest other perspectives or politely present other perspectives.
Here are some things I get from the sg reply to Frank:1. It seems that sg thinks USHGRS is a membership-joining organization. That would be false. USHGRS up front declares that it is not a membership joining/unjoining org, but merely an agent that certifies ratings statements. Done. No joining. No unjoining; but there is a process for removing and reinstalling Pilot Pages.
2. sg cannot and say he will not have drama in his forum. I did not see any drama from me. He might look to the drama he posted to bully matters in the topic USHGRS. We have full copy of the four long page topic thread; he inserted huge drama for some reason. sg broke his own policy of bringing in BobK matters; sg did so off topic and in a huge dramatic fashion.
3. Trust may have been broken with regard to sg forum. How much does he simply delete? He also changes text authored by fair postings. So, how much does he change the text that has been posted in discussions. How might sg rebuild trust in his forum? If he does not rebuild trust, then what participation can he expect? Authors who treasure their postings may question deeply the vulnerability of their investment of time and thought and sharing.
4. sg seems not to have an appreciation of agents that independently forward ratings over people, products, bonds, neighborhood qualities, charities, football players, athletes, communities, banks, politicians, HG Pilots' proficiency, etc.
5. sg seems not to appreciate that he too could rate HG Pilots' proficiency and rate them.
6. sg is seeing correctly that the rating stated at Pilot Pages are the responsibility of USHGRS and are not carbon copies of anyone else's rating nor any entities rating. USHGRS takes full responsibility for its statement of ratings among: H0, H1, H2, H3, H4, HGP, S-SA Otto-0. What sg misses is that USHGRS is not by policy rubber stamping anyone's local or national or international rating. The standards at USHGRS are high; cases go through an extensive and profound review process. When the committee has overcome any objections to a proposed USHGRS rating statement, then the rating is published for the world.
7. At any moment a rated HG Pilot may die from any number of natural or artificial causes. Upon a death of a HG Pilot, the file is not deleted, but maintained and probably copied by Internet Archive. And USHGRS honors the history of HG Pilots and will include them in the process of certified ratings.
8. At Q&A updated, sg has been welcome to see the questions and answers. And he may suggest a question or/and answer. See
Q&A.9. Hey, sg, have you considered banning those who get pissed off at polite idea sharing? Why ban the topic or the poster who is sharing politely? Why be ruled personally by people who seem to get pissed off. Or maybe encourage them to use their pissed off energy to compose thoughtful polite replies. And, sg, you might pause and weigh how much your off-topic bully drama insertion stirred up the pissing flow; you robustly inserted dramatic cartoon of matter that you had stated to all was fully disallowed in your forum; how does that work? And you published policy to treat you as a regular member of your own forum; but when I reported to you owner about your off-topic drama, then you slammed me for treating you as a regular member by my reporting your posts to you. Hard to have things all ways, sg, it seems. Consider putting the USHGRS topic back up; consider unbanning authors who are respecting readers and your forum. If you demand that agents off fair things or else you will ban them, then it is suggested that you study such process; how is that working for your ends?
10. sg, I find that you have been added to lists formed within other forums. You are on a list of forum owners; and you did not do a deliberate act to join that list; however, by the act of becoming an owner of a HG forum, you qualified to be a member of that collection that was list expressed. I easily can think of other lists that you are a member of without you overtly asking to have your name joined. If you prove that you are not a HG Pilot in the public arena, then USHGRS will remove your name from its list, as the list intends to have only HG Pilots who have used the United States airspace for recreational hang gliding. For instance,
Bill Moyes (Australan who has used US airspace for recreational hang gliding) is listed with a Pilot Page. At any moment we might lose him from Earth as he soars beyond Earth; USHGRS will retain his Pilot Page; and Internet Archive will probably keep a copy of such also. USHGRS no where states that you have joined its entity. If there is something on the Pilot Page that has title of your name that is not true, please send a note to USHGRS at
info@ushgrs.org and the correction will be made to better reflect what is more accurate. Thanks for any moment used to correct things. It is correct that you did not overtly join USHGRS. But your public-domain placed name and activity makes you fairly vulnerable to people rating your public activity; people do that; and rating agents do similarly. Rating people and entities is ubiquitous in our society. And being independent of who or what is rated is an important quality of distance from conflict-of-interest issues. sg, if you want to disappear from the hang gliding community while you are alive and actually stop appearing in the hang gliding community, then USHGRS would cooperate with you and remove your Pilot Page until you pass from Earth; then USHGRS might resurrect your Pilot Page with a note of (RIP). But sg, you are still active in the public hang gliding community.
11. sg, you published: "I do not hold a rating in his org". That is true if read for the facts. The fact is that USHGRS rated your HG proficiency and states that USHGRS owns the statement of such. You do not have to carry USHGRS rating into your heart; you may keep whatever distance you wish from USHGRS' statement, even so that not any part of you "holds" to the matter. Your choice. Or you may feed data to our ratings-review committee for further consideration; perhaps you have data that is not in the case file about your hang gliding at USHGRS that would sway the reviewing committee to state HGP or state S-SA Otto-0 in regard to your name; such inputs by HG Pilots are welcome.