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Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby magentabluesky » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:52 am

I, Michael Grisham, am not the "Hawk891".

I declare under penalty of perjury under the law the above is a true statement,

Michael Grisham
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:27 pm


There was a time (not so long ago) that I would have believed you absolutely. In fact, you would never have had to make such a statement. But your tirade of provably false statements now calls all of your words into question. At this moment I honestly don't know if I can believe you about anything.

This saddens me greatly because I've always had the highest respect for you.

Bob Kuczewski
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby magentabluesky » Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:57 pm

Here is some proof I am not the “Hawk891”.

With Bob’s Throttle Lock on postings of fifteen seconds, it would difficult for me to post as magentabluesky and hawk891 with the same time stamp. Not impossible, but difficult.

by magentabluesky
Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:30 pm
Forum: Hang Gliding General
Topic: FCC Fairness Doctrine
Replies: 16
Views: 250

by hawk891
Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:30 pm
Forum: Hang Gliding General
Topic: Intro and serious freedom of speech concern with this site
Replies: 29
Views: 245

The time stamps on the US Hawks are still set to daylight savings time so the real time is one hour less than the actual time stamp.

So these two posts on Tue Feb 19, 2019 were really posted at 9:42am and 10:59am.

by hawk891
Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:59 am
Forum: Hang Gliding General
Topic: Intro and serious freedom of speech concern with this site
Replies: 29
Views: 244

by hawk891
Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:42 am
Forum: Hang Gliding General
Topic: Bob Kuczewski denies gay man his equal rights, threatens ban
Replies: 1
Views: 49

I left the house without my cell phone or any communication device at 9:00am for Yoga starting at 9:45am and ending a little after 11:00am getting back home around 11:30am. I have approximately seventy women and a few men who can verify I was not available to be posting on the internet.

The gym time stamps entry check in and has surveillance cameras throughout the workout areas.

Maybe the “Hawk891” is really Jussie Smollett?
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby wingspan33 » Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:14 pm

All you had to do is get a friend to post your messages, in the name of Hawk891, at times when you couldn't. Or maybe they just happened to post your messages for you and later you figured out that you had "proof" that it wasn't you who posted them - because "you" were somewhere else.

There are probably 10 other ways that you (as Hawk891) could have been somewhere else as M. Grisham. It comes off to me that you are trying WAY to hard to prove you aren't Hawk891.
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby magentabluesky » Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:51 pm


Your what if’s are just not the truth. Please listen what Joe has to say. Every time you speculate to some nefarious act I may have done or not have done, you are stealing something from me. You are stealing my honor and reputation.

I know what the truth is and what you are speculating is not the truth. What you are speculating about, can ultimately be proven.

So when it is proven that I am telling the truth after you have stolen my honor and reputation, tell me Scott how do you reimburse me for my honor and reputation you have stolen from me?

How is Joe reimbursed for what was stolen from him?

Because something was taken from Joe, does that give Bob the right to steal the reputation and honor from everyone who does not share the prospective of Bob? I provided Bob multiple times with my beliefs, perspectives, and motivations, yet he continued to promote a completely false narrative and continues to do so to this day. Bob continues to steals from me and others, our honor and reputation.

Listen to what Joe has to say.
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:31 pm

wingspan33 wrote:There are probably 10 other ways that you (as Hawk891) could have been somewhere else as M. Grisham. It comes off to me that you are trying WAY to hard to prove you aren't Hawk891.

Do you have a computer?
Do you have a cell phone?

I believe you could post simultaneously from those two alone.
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby magentabluesky » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:37 pm

I, Michael Grisham, am not the "Hawk891".

Bob Kuczewski wrote:Michael Grisham, I am asking on your word of honor, have you posted using the name "hawk891"?

It is a yes or no answer.


To add to this, I am like everyone else, I do not know the identity of "hawk891". I may have my suspensions and guess, but that is all it is. No one has confessed to me or confirmed to me that they are indeed the "hawk891".

Furthermore, I can raise my hand and take an oath on the witness stand that I have not made some back alley deal in a conspiracy or engaged in any collusion in this matter.

Hawk891 sent me one very brief private message on the US Hawks message board. I did not respond. I usually don’t share private messages but because it was so brief and to participate fully in open disclosure, here is Hawk891’s message:

hawk891 wrote:Subject: bob
Sent: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:01 am
From: hawk891
To: magentabluesky
Is this guy for real?
Gay Hang Glider Pilot In LA
Support Gay Pride!

I declare under penalty of perjury under the law the above is a true statement,

Michael Grisham
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby magentabluesky » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:46 pm

Joe Faust,

How long are you going to allow Bob and Scott to steal from me, my honor and reputation.
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:53 pm

magentabluesky wrote:Joe Faust,

How long are you going to allow Bob and Scott to steal from me, my honor and reputation.

Now you ask Joe Faust to come to YOUR defense?

:srofl: :srofl: :lol: :D :srofl: :lol: :srofl: :wtf: :P :srofl:

Michael, no one is stealing anything from you. You chose your own course after I pleaded with you for hours to choose a different one. You've even documented that call on this forum.
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Re: Michael Grisham's Real Confession

Postby JoeF » Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:45 pm

I've been working in the forum to be at one with honoring you for your many positive contributions and service to the hang gliding community. And I am daily seeking ways to be supportive of your good reputation.

The challenges of the recent complex communications facing many of us may bring all of us up a notch in positive reputation. Any smacking faux pas in our discourse in this forum may beckon correction; a start would be to avoid any further error in our text to the best of our abilities; suggestion: let's all try during this effort to make errors; consider staying out of others' minds and souls while facing just ideas; and if we do make a transgression: pause and correct with apology. Then work on earlier opportunities at correction as needed. Bring forward forgiveness when asked sincerely. Publish corrections and clarifications as deserved. The work will be worth it, I bet.

Michael, as I've known both you and Bob, I easily have in me a trust that neither one of you would choose deliberately tell untruths. So, I am looking for points of misunderstanding, non-intentional errors of statement, differences in assumption sets, inadvertent errors of logical argument, inadvertent talking on different pages, and differences of definitions being applied. And the like.

As one point of start, I'd like to get on the same "page" concerning lying and liar; could we agree that inadvertent forwarding untruth is not lying but rather error making neutrally? And "lying" and "liar" reserved for deliberate intentional deception by forwarding untruth? Let's see if we may share that in common. If someone confesses: "I intended to deceive by giving an untruth." Then we have a person who confesses to be a liar. But before absolute truth about intention is revealed, then trusting that one is trying to tell the truth might work for discourse better. When a proposition is proved wrong, then under this scheme, the promoter of the untrue proposition would not be called a "liar" but simply as one who forwarded something that was not true. A cooperative participant seeing the proof could choose to assent to the difference; no need for drama, but maybe only for thanksgiving for learning. What say us on this matter? May we reserve "liar" to one who deliberately deceives?

Some propositions may be difficult to prove as true or false. And a proposition might be true in one system or perspective while being not true within a different system or perspective. My son's meeting had an example: He held up a ball to his audience and asked what color was the ball; the audience said "blue" and they felt true in their perspective; but he said of the ball: "it is white". And in his perspective the ball was white. The fact was that the ball had blue on one side and white on the other side. After some wrestling all saw a higher fact: the ball was blue and white. In one system the ball was blue. In another system the ball was white.

May we trace over recent statement and claims and allow for the possibility of different perspectives, allow for possible overstepping into intentions, beliefs, and motivations. One may have an opinion or guess about another's intentions, beliefs, motivations, and value systems; but without near divine vision or a clear report from a person about their value system, their full perspective, their motivations, their intentions, or their beliefs, then an author or speaker about another has a disadvantage point of view and left with scratching via guess, approximations, and speculation; evidence might mount to support an opinion or view, but proof over beliefs, intentions, and motivations seems very very difficult; and blanketing conclusionary statements on those aspects of another person is wrought with potential misses; it is better to ask for reports from a person about those aspects, I am holding. E.g., do you believe that ______? What were your motivations for doing that? Let them report that which is behind their statements and actions. We may objectively face many matters without declaring what is behind a person's interior veils. Suggestions and opinions may be tools of investigation. May we honor the mystery of person by hesitancy to pierce the personal veil.

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