I backed off of my computer and went out in the front yard and asked this question: What country do I live in? The answer was the United States of America, a Republic, a populace sovereignty, governed by the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Amendments. The First Amendment governs the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. The United States Supreme Court is authoritative opinion as what those words mean.
The United States Supreme Court has ruled case after case that the owner, publisher, editor have complete authority and responsibility for their content. If they are not responsible in publishing and editing their content, the remedy is through the court system. If they are publishing untruthful information, slanderous, or defaming information damaging another party, the remedy is civil court.
This applies to everyone. Everyone has an equal right to the freedom of speech and the press.
Jack has the same right as Joe. Joe has the same right as Jack.
Jack is the authority and completely responsible for what is printed (posted) on Hang Gliding dot Org.
Joe is the authority and completely responsible for what is printed (posted) on all of Joe’s many websites.
That is the way has been since the founding of the United States of America with the one exception that I know of, the FCC Fairness Doctrine in effect from 1949 to 2011. The FCC finally ruled that the FCC Fairness Doctrine was unconstitutional.
Joe, you have brought up the concept of responsible speech.
Do you think it is responsible speech for a Christian go to the Jewish Synagogue with their New Testament Bible and proclaim Jesus as the Messiah in the middle of a Jewish service?
Joe Faust wrote: “The case becomes clearer when the HG pilot was already admitted to do hang gliding on the property; and then during such hang gliding the property owner reverses direction; of course the HG pilot should stop HG when owner bans him or her from the property.”
On May 19, 2016 you, Joe Faust, posted Jack’s rules on US Hawks website. By posting those rules it would be a reasonable assumption for everyone reading your post that you too had read Jacks rules.
One of Jack’s rules is, “Don’t spam the forum. No advertising on this site. Ask SG for permission first.”
Did you ask Jack for permission to post links to “USHGRS”?
Jack is the owner, publisher, and editor, so Jack is the ultimate authority as to what is spam or advertising. The United States Supreme Court says Jack is the ultimate authority. You may claim you are not selling anything, but by posting a link you are directing traffic away from Jack’s website. Jack receives advertising money through traffic on Hang Gliding dot Org. and if you are directing traffic away from Hang Gliding dot Org without Jack’s permission by his published rules, you are stealing from Jack.
Also you, Joe Faust, specifically commented about “Jack’s heavy-hand rule”
Joe Faust wrote:Jack's heavy-hand rule over his forum reveals a huge rift in hang gliding online discussion opportunity. Jack wants to be "part of this community" which he carves out a huge faction of people and dubs them "poison" to the sport of hang gliding; he makes such his official rule. Jack Axaopoulos alias "sg" Participants in his forum must always face the possibility that they themselves may be titled "poison" at any turn by Jack. Jack has programmed certain words and links to be converted to derogatory non-linking phrases; this prevents his forum participants from freely sharing information about hang gliding. Jack has proven to be a thought-controller by his rules. Yet he uses "please" in "Please treat the admin as a regular user." There is no logical way for a sound participant to treat the admin Jack A. as "regular user" when guillotine ax is ever near Jack's hand and keyboard.
The story about how Jack A. treated a trust regarding Torrey Hawks has been written in the USHawks forum someplace:
_______________________________________ Careful study of the actions involved would bring important data to those who are participating in Jack's forum.
So it would appear you, Joe Faust, had read Jack’s rules:
Joe Faust posted Jack wrote:Please treat the admin as a regular user. As long as you follow the rules, there is NO CHANCE you will banned because you disagree with the admin. The admin would like to be part of this community too without having to walk on egg shells because people think his word holds more weight for whatever reason. It does not. But the admin will do his job as moderator when he has to. But please follow the rules and don't make him do it, he doesn't enjoy that part.
While Jack may have an open invitation to come on Hang Gliding do Org, Jack has clearly stated the conditions of use on the website and you, Joe Faust, posted Jack’s rules on May 19, 2016 forwarded the post to the US Hawks forum. Jack has not changed the rules mid-flight.
As long as you have not been discriminated against on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, and in some cases sexual orientation, Jack has the absolute authority to publish, edit, or ban you from his site. He does not need any rule or reason. The above is how I understand the law in the United States of America. It has been that way for over two-hundred and twenty-eight years.
One of the most recent cases decided on June 4, 2018 is Masterpiece Cakeshop, LTD v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission where baker Jack Phillips a devout Christian claimed it was a violation of his free exercise of religion and of his free speech rights to be compelled to create a gay wedding cake. Jack Phillips was not discriminating against the customers based on sexual orientation but on his free speech expression rights. The United Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips on the narrow grounds of free exercise of religion and free speech rights in being the owner, publisher and editor of creating cakes.
Thomas opined support for Masterpiece, both on grounds of free speech and free exercise.
Masterpiece Cakeshop, LTD v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission No. 16-111. Decided June 4, 2018 (pdf)
Wikipedia Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Even though the gay men have rights not to be discriminated against due to sexual orientation the courts ruled in favor of the free exercise of religion and free speech right of Jack Phillips. There is no special right requiring Jack to provide web space or band width for the USHGRS just like there is no special right requiring you to provide web space or band width for paragliding as long as you, Joe Faust, are not discriminating on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, and in some cases sexual orientation.
Are you saying that Jack Phillips should have to make a gay wedding cake?
Are you saying that Jack should have to post links to the USHGRS when he does not believe in it?
As a responsible United States Citizen I agree with Supreme Court of the United States. Their approach seems reasonable to me.
Nobody should be compelled to do something they do not believe in.
Nobody should be compelled say something they do not believe in.
I am truly sorry, I don’t see an argument for your defense except, I will defend your right as an owner, publisher, and editor just as would any other including Jack.
What would you have me do, go protest Jack Phillips’ bakery shop?
The Essential Elements of My Cease and Desist Request
The above statement is what I believe and have believed for months now, but Bob Kuczewski has stolen my voice and is speaking for me. I do not believe the words Bob Kuczewski says I believe. They are not my beliefs. The motives Bob Kuczewski says I have are not my motives, and now the feelings Bob Kuczewski say I have are not my feelings. I have clearly communicated to Bob Kuczewski that he is not my spokes person, those are not my beliefs, those are not my motives, and those are not my feelings. But Bob Kuczewski persists to speak for me to the point that Bob Kuczewski has stolen my speech.
You, Joe Faust, Bob Kuczewski, and the US Hawks Board are perfectly free to have your opinions and express those opinions, but you have no right to speak for me or represent my beliefs which are not my beliefs. Bob has been clearly been informed that those are not my beliefs, motives, or feelings.
When Bob Kuczewski post’s “Michael Grisham’s Confessions” and it is not my confession it is:
Identity Theft by Bob Kuczewski