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Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby magentabluesky » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:06 pm

Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

On Dec 01, 2011 Joe Faust was banned from Paragliding Forum.Com.

Paragliding Forum.Com Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:45 UTC
Ikarus site Admin
So, time for a lock up, and a ban.

Where was Bob Kuczewski? Where was the outrage? Was Bob Kuczewski quite as a church mouse?

Davis covered the Joe Faust banning from Paragliding Forum.Com on the Oz Report.

Joe was banned (but not here) Oz Report Link

Davis then followed up with a story on paragliding certification a few days later.

Davis wrote:I'll have more on the travails in the paragliding world in an upcoming Oz Report.

It's all extremely interesting.

Issue #242 Dec 8 2011

Didn’t Bob Kuczewski care about Joe Faust being banned from Paragliding Forum.Com? Davis covered Joe's banning.

Where was Bob Kuczewski’ outrage when Davis put a ban on Joe Faust from the Oz Report?

I've asked Joe Faust to quit posting Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49:12am
Until the end of February.

He hasn't broken any forum rule that I am aware of (I never read his posts), but no one seems to like them and they appear to be of a low quality (which is why I skip them).

So he is on notice.

Davis even said that Joe had not broken any forum rule. Where was Bob Kuczewski’ outrage?

For the Temporary Ban against Joe Faust: Mike B, Graeme Henderson, Bille Fly, Christopher

Maybe/Maybe Not? Martin: Crazy but entertaining

Against the Temporary Ban supporting Joe Faust: Bill C., Magentabluesky, Arp


Bill C., magentabluesky, and Arp all made posts in support of Joe Faust on the Oz Report. Where was BobK? Where were BobK’s posts of outrage on the US Hawks?

In reference to Joe’s banning from Paragliding Forum.Com, years later Joe posted:

Re: Banned of Brothers
by JoeF » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:43 pm
Couple of years ago, I was banned from

Now if you go to the original post of Banned of Brothers on the US Hawks with a post date of Feb 16, 2011, we find Joe Faust is listed as being banned from Paragliding Forum.Com. But wait a minute Joe Faust was banned on Dec 01, 2011 8:45 UTC, eleven months after the post date. Was Bob Kuczewski psychic? Did BobK know Joe was going to be banned eleven months before the event? Was Joe banned more than one time from Paragliding Forum.Com?

So what was the difference when Joe Faust was banned from Hang Gliding dot Org?

Why all the outrage from Bob Kuczewski?

Could it really be Bob Kuczewski could care less about Joe Faust? If he really cared about Joe wouldn’t Bob Kuczewski have come to Joe’s aid in the other times Joe Faust was banned?

The real reason is Bob Kuczewski hates Jack.

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Michael Grisham
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:25 pm

I will say this very clearly: Davis should NOT have banned Joe Faust.
Michael, you can quote that on the Oz Forum if you like.

So, Michael, where's your corresponding statement to Jack?

Just preserving "slanderous" statements like "The real reason is Bob Kuczewski hates Jack."

magentabluesky wrote:Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK

On Dec 01, 2011 Joe Faust was banned from Paragliding Forum.Com.

Paragliding Forum.Com Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:45 UTC
Ikarus site Admin
So, time for a lock up, and a ban.

Where was Bob Kuczewski? Where was the outrage? Was Bob Kuczewski quite as a church mouse?

Davis covered the Joe Faust banning from Paragliding Forum.Com on the Oz Report.

Joe was banned (but not here) Oz Report Link

Davis then followed up with a story on paragliding certification a few days later.

Davis wrote:I'll have more on the travails in the paragliding world in an upcoming Oz Report.

It's all extremely interesting.

Issue #242 Dec 8 2011

Didn’t Bob Kuczewski care about Joe Faust being banned from Paragliding Forum.Com? Davis covered Joe's banning.

Where was Bob Kuczewski’ outrage when Davis put a ban on Joe Faust from the Oz Report?

I've asked Joe Faust to quit posting Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:49:12am
Until the end of February.

He hasn't broken any forum rule that I am aware of (I never read his posts), but no one seems to like them and they appear to be of a low quality (which is why I skip them).

So he is on notice.

Davis even said that Joe had not broken any forum rule. Where was Bob Kuczewski’ outrage?

For the Temporary Ban against Joe Faust: Mike B, Graeme Henderson, Bille Fly, Christopher

Maybe/Maybe Not? Martin: Crazy but entertaining

Against the Temporary Ban supporting Joe Faust: Bill C., Magentabluesky, Arp


Bill C., magentabluesky, and Arp all made posts in support of Joe Faust on the Oz Report. Where was BobK? Where were BobK’s posts of outrage on the US Hawks?

In reference to Joe’s banning from Paragliding Forum.Com, years later Joe posted:

Re: Banned of Brothers
by JoeF » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:43 pm
Couple of years ago, I was banned from

Now if you go to the original post of Banned of Brothers on the US Hawks with a post date of Feb 16, 2011, we find Joe Faust is listed as being banned from Paragliding Forum.Com. But wait a minute Joe Faust was banned on Dec 01, 2011 8:45 UTC, eleven months after the post date. Was Bob Kuczewski psychic? Did BobK know Joe was going to be banned eleven months before the event? Was Joe banned more than one time from Paragliding Forum.Com?

So what was the difference when Joe Faust was banned from Hang Gliding dot Org?

Why all the outrage from Bob Kuczewski?

Could it really be Bob Kuczewski could care less about Joe Faust? If he really cared about Joe wouldn’t Bob Kuczewski have come to Joe’s aid in the other times Joe Faust was banned?

The real reason is Bob Kuczewski hates Jack.

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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby magentabluesky » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:47 pm

Where was BobK?

Nowhere to be found. Quiet as a church mouse.
Michael Grisham
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:58 pm

magentabluesky wrote:Where was BobK?

Nowhere to be found. Quiet as a church mouse.

We do our best to report bannings when they are reported to us. That's our way of spreading the word since most bannings are done without much fanfare.

If it had been reported, it would be posted to the Banned of Brothers topic.

By the way, your false claims are easily disproved by looking at the first page of the Banned of Brothers topic where bannings from ALL forums are tracked. So your claim that we focus on is false.

But you already knew that. You continue to dishonor yourself. Your shame must be a terrible burden.
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby magentabluesky » Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:06 pm

The Time Machine Links:

December 2011 Posts by Bob Kuczewski on US Hawks

January 2016 Posts by Bob Kuczewski on US Hawks

Where, oh where, where are BobK’s posts of outrage for Joe Faust when he was banned?
Michael Grisham
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby magentabluesky » Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:18 pm

Bob Kuczewski wrote:By the way, your false claims are easily disproved by looking at the first page of the Banned of Brothers topic . . . .

Bob, I knew you were psychic with a post date of Feb 16, 2011, listing Joe Faust being banned from Hang Gliding dot Org in September 2018 on the first post of the Banned of Bothers thread.

How did you know?

We could have been outraged before the event ever happened.
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:56 am

magentabluesky wrote:Bob, I knew you were psychic with a post date of Feb 16, 2011, listing Joe Faust being banned from Hang Gliding dot Org in September 2018 on the first post of the Banned of Bothers thread.

How did you know?

Michael, there's no mystery. There are a number of topics where the first post is used somewhat like a web page that's updated with newly arriving information:

In the "Banned of Brothers" topic it states:
I can update this post with additional information as time goes on. So please feel free to post about any bannings that you know or are aware of. I hope this can bring some insight into the "disappearance" of our pilots.

The date shows the original post's date even though new information can be added later.

Michael, I am worried about you. Please take a break. You are writing an embarrassing chapter of your life, and I really don't want to see you do that.

You've been a friend, and you've given me some helpful advice. I tried to do the same for you when I urged you to speak up for Joe. It's somewhat ironic that I took your advice and hired a lawyer (when I really didn't want to spend the money). But you wouldn't take my advice when it wouldn't have cost you a dime. I spent many hours talking to you on the phone because I wanted your name to be on the right side of the Joe Faust banning issue.

But that's all water under the bridge now. That history has been written. What matters now is what you do going forward. You can end up siding with Jack in some kind of twisted Stockholm syndrome or you can recognize that Jack's abusive actions have been the root cause of your predicament. It was Jack who put you in that situation ... not me.

Michael, you can surely post enough obnoxious material for any Board of Directors to ban you. Hawk891 showed one way to that end. But by the time you've gone that far, there will be so much evidence against you that most people will wonder what took us so long. So if you're trying to force us to ban you as some way to show we're as bad as Jack, your result will prove the opposite. It will show that we were amazingly tolerant for a very long time.

Michael, break free of whatever is keeping you silent about Joe's banning. You posted a link to Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" video, but that's exactly what you did on You started out as strong as Frank did, but then you somehow allowed Jack to silence you. Find that voice again. Speak up for justice. At this point, I doubt it will make any difference for Joe. The time to have made a difference for Joe was last fall when Frank was still speaking up and Red was at least on the fence. So no, I'm not asking you to speak up to help Joe. I'm asking you to speak up to help ... you.

Bob Kuczewski
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby magentabluesky » Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:45 pm

One of BobK’s biggest complaints about other forum publishers is they change postings, but here we have BobK admitting he changes postings and calls them “web pages”.

When BobK changes these posts there is no editorial note, time stamping and dating the change. The reader has no idea when the post was changed and if the post is up to date.

For example:

People who have been banned from: (operated by Bob Kuczewski)
• Tad Eareckson
• Nobody - Not banned but restricted to the "Free Speech Zone"

As of Mar 11, 2019 12:00pm

This is a miss representation as Bob Kuczewski and the US Hawks Advisory Board banned Hawk891 on Feb 22, 2019. That was over sixteen days ago and the page has not been updated even though BobK has recently brought the page to light. (As of this date)


So Tad Eareckson is not the only person banned from the US Hawks.

Hawk891 has been banned from the US Hawks and is not listed on the Banned of Brothers page.

Bob Kuczewski complains about other Hang Gliding Forum publishers but he is guilty of the same acts he complains about.

“Nobody – Not banned but restricted to the ‘Free Speech Zone’”

Hawk891 is completely banned from the US Hawks.

This is just another “lying fraud” by Bob Kuczewski.

Bob Kuczewski where were you when Joe Faust was banned the first two times?

Bob Kuczewski put your name at the top of the list on the Wall of Shame!
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Re: Joe Faust Banned – Where was BobK?

Postby wingspan33 » Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:51 pm

The spoiled child has started screaming again. It's time for an Advisory Board Meeting.
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