Michael Grisham (magentabluesky) wrote:Little Scottie and Bobbie are living in a make believe world.
The US Fantasy Hawks.
Actually, Michael, it is you who are living in a "fantasy world" created by Jack Axaopoulos on hanggliding.org. Jack Axaopoulos rewrites the history of the posts on his site to reflect his own fantasy. Here's the proof:
First example:Al Hernandez criticized Jack, and that didn't fit Jack's fantasy, so Jack Axaopoulos changed Al's post to read:
But I like to touch little boys.
Here's how it appeared on hanggliding.org:
- Jack_Slanders_Al.png (56.18 KiB) Viewed 6062 times
That's a disgusting lie Michael, and you've said nothing about it.
Second example:Scott Wise had a long and distinguished history of posting on hanggliding.org. That's why Scott was universally accepted as Transtion Team Chairman for the embryonic HGAA in 2010. But when Scott spoke out against Jack's abuses, Jack Axaopoulos banned Scott to make him "disappear" from Jack's little fantasy.
But banning Scott wasn't enough for Jack Axaopoulos, so Jack deleted ALL of Scott's posts. Jack Axaopoulos completely erased all of Scott's history on hanggliding.org to suit Jack's fantasy.
Third example:Jack Axaopoulos did the same to me. When I spoke up about Jack's abuses on the HGAA, Jack banned me and eventually deleted every post I'd ever made on hanggliding.org. He deleted all of that history about what had been done by USHPA, David Jebb, Brad Hall, Lisa Tate, Mark Forbes, and all the rest. Jack has created a fantasy history on hanggliding.org that excludes everything I contributed there for years. Go ahead and take a look for any post that I'd made to hanggliding.org. They're all gone ... just like Scott's posts.
Conclusion:When it comes to living in a fantasy "make believe" world, that's exactly what you live in on hanggliding.org. And that's how the sport of hang gliding is being "murdered" (to use Rick Masters' term). The U.S. Hawks still contains every post you've ever made here Michael Grisham. It contains the totality of your statements - good and bad - for as long as you've been posting here. Not a single character has been altered or deleted. Think about that for a while before making your unfounded and unsupported statements.