You know for Me anyways it is just so cool to have this Site where I am able to put up Posts such as this one. You Guys do not really know me for the most part, but You seem to embrace My chattering about My aspirations to once again to Fly My Beloved Predator. You know Maybe, just Possibly the Current Greatest and Latest Topless Gliders will finally be able to Fly Further than My Predator. Well as that old saying Goes; "Time will Tell". The last time that I had to appraise My Predators ability to go far was way Back when, before I had my Accident 11 Years ago. Well My Friend Scott and I both Flew the same route. Both of us launched From Wolf's Peak Sonora Pass California. we Both flew the same route flew in the same air. I landed in Gardnerville Nevada. Scott landed short I do not know where He landed. But let Me make this perfectly clear; Scott was flying a Laminar MR 700 Top Less, and I was flying My 158 Predator., Scott currently was down in the Owens Valley flying with Zac Majors, where they were flying 250 or so mile XC Flights. I want to be Forth right, Gracious, and Honest here. Scott is a very good Pilot. He can Fly XC with the best of them, I pale in comparison to being able to fly compared to Scott. It was just that I had the Better Glider, PREDATOR!
I was talking to John the other Day. Well John said that Today that the newest Topless Glider were very capable Gliders. So Maybe when I return to Flying the Days of My flying the furthest will be finally gone. That saying; "You Can't Argue with Success" comes to mind when I think about My Predator. I love my Predator what an awesome Glider!