My notes from different files.
Tony’s paternal grandparents were from Sciacca, Sicily. His grandfather, Antonino Fauci, was from a family who ran a hot springs spa.
- famoly crest spoof.png (326.99 KiB) Viewed 1857 times
Fig. 1—Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci. Anthony Fauci buries a bizarre Abys family crest glorifying satanism, eating children and profiting from the effort.
Anthony Stephen Fauci. (Compiled Apr. 09, 2021). Fauci-Abys Family Tree with full bibliography. Anonymous Patriots. [citation to follow]
His father was a Columbia University-educated pharmacist who owned his pharmacy. Fauci's mother and sister worked the pharmacy's register
,( (and Fauci delivered prescriptions.))
The Faucis ran a neighborhood pharmacy at 13th Avenue and 83rd Street and lived in an apartment above (Figure (Figure1).1). The whole family helped out in the business — his dad working in the back of the pharmacy while his mother and sister operated the register. Tony delivered prescriptions from the time he was old enough to ride a bike. (neighborhood drug dealer on the side?)
Father was a pharmacist at their family-owned pharmacy • Delivered prescriptions for the pharmacy while growing up
The pharmacy was located in the Dyker Heights section of Brooklyn, directly beneath the family apartment, previously in the Bensonhurst neighborhood.
Joined NIH as an alternative to serving in the military during the Vietnam War
Clinical Associate in the NIH Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, 1968-1974 (Vietnam Agent Orange Research and development )
Head of the Clinical Physiology Section of the NIH Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, 1974- 1980 •( To cover his a** about Agent Orange once Vietnam “war” ended)
“I think that there are a lot of things about organized religion that are unfortunate, and I tend to like to stay away from that and think more in terms of the principles that I learned from the Jesuits, from the Catholic religion, the principles that I run my life by. But the idea about the organization of religion is not something that I adhere to very much.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci and the athlete and activist Colin Kaepernick may seem like very different men in very different fields — but they are both being honored with the same award. Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, and Kaepernick, a former NFL player who has led players' demonstrations against racial injustice, will receive the RFK Ripple of Hope Award this year.
“Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions.
RFK Jr exposes the decades of lies.”
—Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate
"Standing as a pivotal work for the history of science and medicine, this book unveils the astonishing, twisted truth about a man (Fauci) and a corrupt institution (NIH) that have betrayed humanity at every turn in order to achieve profits and power. If the American people knew the truth that's documented here, they would be marching by the millions, demanding criminal prosecutions of all those who are complicit in these outrageous betrayals of humanity. RFK Jr's book closes the loop on one of the most disastrous and truly evil schemes in the history of medicine and science.
If humanity does not now demand investigations and prosecutions across this vast landscape of science fraud and pathological 'authority,' we are truly beyond hope."
—Mike Adams, a.k.a. the "Health Ranger," founder of
If you want to understand the role Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the CDC, WHO, intelligence agencies and others played in planning, launching, and profiting from the COVID pandemic, drop what you’re doing and read this powerful and meticulously researched book!
Your future, your family's future, and the future of our democracy are at stake.”
—Ralph Pezzullo, bestselling author of Jawbreaker, Zero Footprint and other books
Fauci, Gates and the U.K. Wellcome Trust, they control 63% of the biomedical research on earth through their funding. Over his career, Fauci alone has distributed more than $930 billion in research grants through the NIAID. You could say they control all of it, really, because they also have the capacity to dry up funding to projects they don’t want done.
Between 2009 and 2016, about 230 drugs were approved by the FDA, all of which came out of Fauci's shop. So, he is an incubator for pharma. And here's what he does: At his lab, he has Petri dishes filled with every virus [imaginable], and he has scientists that are messing around with different molecules and different poisons, and they'll drop those poisons into a Petri dish and see if it kills the culture. If it kills the culture, then he has a potential antiviral drug.
(Washington, D.C., June 16, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), about his agency’s support for Chinese Communist Party research during today’s Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee hearing. When Senator Marshall asked Dr. Fauci if he would stop using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund projects in China – such as EcoHealth Alliance’s activities at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – Dr. Fauci admitted his agency
DOES NOT HAVE ANY PLANS TO DO SO does not have any plans to do so.!!!
Fauci refused to answer whether or not members of the FDA vaccine advisory board were receiving royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies.!!!
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