by Nate » Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:35 pm
We came, we saw, we flew!
Quite a turn out this year.
There were 5 HGs out there. 4 from CO and myself. The first day, one of them tried to get back to the ridge, impacted on the edge and broke a wrist. Another landed short of the camp LZ and one hooked a tree on landing. No damage to glide or pilots on the camp LZ incidents. They all left the following morning.
I landed at the old O-HG LZ up top -safe, like always. That camp LZ is good at producing stories of pilots using skill and luck. I prefer to not tap those and land a mile down the road.
It was a good fly in. I should have left with the HGs. The 2nd day I was completely alone over at HG land. Made me realize I can fly there alone anytime so I left. I do not come out there for the mostly captive ridge action, I come for the sunsets and pretty country - it was a success.