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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:22 pm

I know that this post is off-topic. But the reason I am writing this is because I figure that there is a good Cross section of People that I can tap for as a resource of knowledge.

Su Here I go; Question; What is it with these phone calls? I get as all of You Must get Phone Calls, Calls from organizations. it really doesn't matter what organization they might be calling on behalf of. The organization might be attempting to raise Money for Promiscuous Women Who can not get Pregnant, Unwed Dogs, fireFighters who are searching for Fires to extinguish. Coastal HG Pilots who want to Fly XC. you name it. The common theme that all of them share in common is they want Money, Your Money.

What just Gals Me is if and when they will actually listen to me. When I ask them a simple basic question. I ask; "So What is Your Budget?" "How much Much Money do You need? How Much Money are You trying to raise?"What is Your BUdget? THey always just stall. They will not respond to My Two Questions. Then they will Hang Up on Me.

My Question to You Guys is Why?
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Mar 04, 2022 10:03 am

It's the Google Ai, I think
Weather you ask a valid question on the phone or of Google, you get cricketts, or;
1. Type in USHGA, and you get, USHPA Home.
2. Type in USHGA.AERO, and you get, USHPA Home.
3. Type in USHGA.AERO Gateway, and you get, Rick Masters Home Built Forum, and then 8 USHPA sites.

4. Type in, and you get, USHPA Home.
5. Type in, United States Hang Gliding Association, and you get, USHPA Home.
It seems like any time you inquire about USHGA, you get USHPA.
I called USHPA and asked some HG questions and got put on hold, and then cricketts.
USHPA has fully co-oped USHGA in word only.

"Pilots" will survive.
I believe pilots who learn fly any kind of "airframe", develop a lifetime skillset, because of the much harder and more dedicated instructors and their students. The training involved, to go through the ratings, to get to a "Masters License" in, ("Airframed") Aviation, is so much harder than "parachute" flying, (almost dare devil) and that's the catch, many take this easy and fast way out. Nothing to be done there.
An alternative would be to create a "Non-Profit", strictly for and of,
Hang Glider Instructor Pilots and their business ventures.
If this NP can fully support with money, the HG Instructor business, ( how many left?)
Hang Gliding will be much better for it.
The NP would also be the PR and marketing man for Hang Gliding, and USHGA, and with the funding, could out perform the "Paragliding" world, which is, "Hang Floating".

These "very brave souls", who run a Hang Gliding business deserve this Non-Profit, because by taking away the "business end" , the instructors could teach and "free" fly more.

Gotta be one tuff business to run,
and then there is the "liability" and insurance end of it, which can cost big buck$. by the month.

Organizations wanting money are wanton, so which ones do we choose?
Why not choose a new "Organization",
wanting money to support the
Hang Gliding Instructors and their business ventures.

why not??.

Talk about, question about phone calls, I rant.
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:17 am

In 1971-2, a group of people, Skiers mostly, went out find support from insurance companies, the USHGA, AND the town of Telluride.
They did, the "tri fecta", so they created the little Non-Profit to take care of the
business end,
which in quick turn, became the Telluride Air Force, with full support,
up and down the board, because it was, individualism, and simply, Hang Gliding, in an "uncommercial" way, other than the BBQ's and music at the landing sites.

and look what happened to the sport up until 1989. "71-89"

Elon Musk created "pay pal",

and somewhere in,
"The 50", recreates Hang Gliding. :salute: :salute: :salute:
which is a historical name up till 89'.


Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Bill Cummings » Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:50 pm

I got a call the other day from a group with a three letter acronym that I can’t remember but for now let’s say it was CSI. I said what does CSI (or whatever he said) stand for? The guy said, “ I’m sorry. You know what? I should
know that but I don’t.” With that I shortened the conversation.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:58 pm

What Kills Me is; I receive these Phone Calls from these organizations, it really does not matter who they are representing, it can be Firefighters, Police officers, Non Pregnant, Un-Wed want to be Pregnant Women, OUT OF WORK SLACKERS, you name it. I have had any number of these organizations call Me. Get this; There must be a Play-book that they all read from. For when I ask them How Much that They want from Me. It is always the same response. They inevitably will ask from Me all so close to the same request, something like $20.00-$30.00 or $40.00 Dollars, I will ask again, how much Money are You trying to raise? What is Your Budget? I will follow that statement with; "You do not know Me, nor do You know How Much Money that I might Give You". "I just Might be the answer to Your momentary shortcomings". Right about this moment during our so short a conversation this is when they will hang up on me. I do not get it, what Gives? I mean they Ruddly just hang-up on Me.
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:10 am

I got a call from a LGBTQ organization asking for donations and being open minded, I asked what does lgbtq stand for? They said, Lesbeans, Gays, Bies, Trans, ...and before they got to Queers, I said,
"Oh, I thought it meant, Let's Get Biden To Quit,
Damn, I'll give you money for that". Click,
move to free speech?

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:30 pm

My Mother has Dementia. My Mother who was a College Graduate. She always was involved in the Equestrian world,/ She started, and did Quite well as a Trainer of People who wanted to Learn how to ride. My Mother was a very smart Person. I could go on and on with More accolades regarding the indicators of Her having a High I-Q.

But that was then, this is now. My Mother has Dementia. She has an 20 second Memory if that. Well Dementia has not impaired Dementia Joe. Maybe My Mother should be President. Will You cast Your Vote for My Mother?
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:25 pm


Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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