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Thoughts, Ideas requested.

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:30 am

OK Guys, I have not met many of You in Person, but that might very well might Change. Also though what I am going to say is not something that comes from a Flying experience, it really is My Sister and I believe is the result of the Brain Injury that I suffered due to my Pounding, the pounding that I took on March 28th 2010. Well My basic make up, MY basic mental, cognitive , thinking of how My Brain thinks has changed, due to the injury to My Brain. In ways I feel as if I am a runaway Train regarding My Brain, The problem that I am having is that I do not know what to do so that I will once again be normal, granted my normal is everyone else's Ab-Normal But it is Mine, and I want it back.

Does anyone have any ideas?
Chris McKeon
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Re: Thoughts, Ideas requested.

Postby Craig Muhonen » Tue Mar 15, 2022 1:06 am

Hi Chris, Your Brain has been making new pathways since the moment of
the Traumatic Brain Injury, I know for sure.
But it's things YOU put in front of you, that become important, and those are the new pathways.
Keeping the hands and minds busy helps allot.
Trying to keep our bodies back on center line by "meditation" and physical work outs and good sleep, is to gain confidence.
ugh, there's so many distractions.
Listening intently to the things coming into your "head set", things that You choose, (especially music in the right tones) may be puzzles, so you can focus your brain on what's important.
(wireless bone conduction mini headphones are great and cheep)
Learning how to stand up straight and lookm' in the eye helps build confidence, big time.
Flyers have checklists for launching themselves (or not) into the ocean of air, but in the mean time we can have mental checklists for ourselves on the ground.
Think of it , like you're in a 20+ wind,
trying to ground handle a 60 lb Hang Glider.
That's life every day, but it feels fine.
With both my arms and both legs and hips "damaged", they became the most important things to get back, to any kind of normal.
One more thing is "balance", like your rudder, and Yoga things including breathing, fit right in.
When we "came to", our senses were totally changed and our metabolism too, my wife Lexie said, "you smell totally different to me", and there was this "background" noise in my inner ears that was 24/7. and there was much "adapting" to do.
Communication was listening and speaking, and now it's a click off, so now we really have to pay attention.
Being tested by your Audiologist will show you exactly where you are, "hearing wise", and you're actually in a sound proof room with tuning forks and bone conduction and ear buds and its kinda cool. I have 60% in one ear and 0% in the other, so locating a sound takes more time.
It's good to know which is your good ear.
I know our "accidents" were different, you "pounded" into dirt, I was "pounded" by slabs of granite, but by the Grace of God we lived and as I said, "stand up straight, lookm' in the eye and say, how are you going to act"?

I am sure that if your legs and hands are up to it, your brain will follow,
and having your "Axe" handy doesn't hurt.
Here is a technique to use.

Stay safe out there.

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Craig Muhonen
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