Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

Honoring the rich history and bright future of gliding at Dockweiler Beach

Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

Postby JoeF » Fri May 20, 2022 8:44 am

    Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

:arrow: :arrow: After using the sand, dump the sand where it helps to smooth, repair, or build the HG slope.

sandbags and sand-filled socks or tubes
:arrow: If enough mass, then use several to anchor a parked hang glider. Be sure mass is more than enough for the job.
:arrow: Make a pillow; shape as desired.
:arrow: Anchor small toy kites, wind tells.
:arrow: Anchor corners of ground blankets.
:arrow: Anchor lower part of temporary privacy curtain.
:arrow: Toss games.
:arrow: Form steps in the slope.
:arrow: Wet with seawater and have an evaporative cooling item.
:arrow: Ballast for flight. Tie sand-filled socks to belt or harness
:arrow: Flight-target markers.
:arrow: Flight-distance markers.
:arrow: Field-limit indicators.
:arrow: Anchor a long wind-direction-indicating ribbon
:arrow: Load tripod for camera stability.
:arrow: Anchor for inflated Lazy Couch
:arrow: Place on top of wing bag, rib bag, tip cover bags, etc.
:arrow: >??? :?: :idea:
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Re: Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri May 20, 2022 5:58 pm

Sand Are You using Sand as Ballast?
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Re: Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri May 20, 2022 7:00 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:Sand Are You using Sand as Ballast?

The slopes at Dockweiler are pretty soft sand. This makes it difficult to carry the glider back up the hill. The repeated trips also push the sand downhill. Using sandbags (or socks filled with sand) can reduce the movement of the sand.
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Re: Sandbags? Sand-filled socks?

Postby Bill Cummings » Sat May 21, 2022 6:46 pm

For returning the glider to the top of the sand dune one could anchor a pulley at the top of the incline, fasten one end of the line to the basetube, then have a person take the other end of the rope and go down the incline to pull the glider up the incline. The pilot would pick up the basetube, allow the keel to drag in the sand. Also the wind on the back helps push the glider up the incline.
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