Ok, I thought that I would start a new thread. Guys know I constantly think about Flying. Even though My last Flight flying My Predator darn Near cost Me My Life. In fact if The attending Doctor's initial prognosis regarding my condition was at all Correct. Then what Pilot-X was told at John Muir Hospital shortly after I pounded. I am so grateful that their prognosis was in error. For death would have impacted My Flying in a negative way. I did not Die, I mean look at this way; How Many dead HG Pilots have You seen Flying?
Speaking of Flying. Since I pounded on March 28th. 2010, I have lost a little bit over 100 Pounds. So when I fly again, and I will Fly again. I very well might fly an Wills-Wing Condor 330 this coming weekend. Then the plan is for Me to Fly John's training Glider. Then after John performs an IRAN on My Predator. I will be once again be Flying My truly great 158.