Well, another morning:
A solution might come from the following: Recall the X hinge at the apex bottom of the V spreader subassembly. Consider letting the X hinge become a W-M hinge: by that I mean: sew two lines of straight seam on two layers of material:
The left flaps are bonded to the bottom of one spreader flat; the other right flaps of the W-M hinge are bonded to the bottom of the other spreader flat.
If the W-M hinge is flexible material, then a hinge results allowing coiling the spreader subassembly of a spar or beam. The cavity may allow the insertion of a Dyneema cord for tension member of the spar. But, moreso, the hinge material may be chosen so that the hinge material becomes the tension member of the spar. This all might remove the challenge mentioned in the above prior post of yesterday.
Furthering: KP-QP rigging of the HG may pretense the spar recently being developed. However, some integrated pretension is probably going to be a good thing to address handling, negative flight loads, and firming the shape of the beam or spar prior to finishing full KP-QP rigging. So, a pre-tensioning tension line may be a kind of continuation of the main lower spar tension line.
The compression member of the spar may be segmented for tiny packing.
An avenue to explore: how might the hoops play a part in the spreader subassembly while giving some body to airfoil formation while still giving pretension to the segmented compression subassembly? It looks like there is some opportunity herein.