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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:27 pm

I tell You Guys, You simply have no idea how it feels to be feeling the way I do as of late. I mean really how could You know how i feel. Speaking of How i am feeling: I feel so close to being a Hundred Percent recovered, it is such a great Feeling for a Person to be able to Feel Normal. Granted; My Normal is everyone else's Abnormal. Heck i am out packing up stuff, for i will be Moving on Sunday. You see My Friend Bud Juneau went AWOL so I must vacate this Place. I was out doing Yard work, pruning Branches, Blowing Leaves. As I was Blowing Leaves, I was Crying. For Bud was My Best Friend. Busd Died of a Heart Attack while He was in his Kitchen talking to kathleen and I. I really, Really, REALLY do Miss Bud!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:10 pm

This Song exemplifies how i felt wen I flew My Predator. Ah PREDATOR, what can I saw about the Awesome Glider that John Designed? I hope to bring to My Flying a new tacct. I hope that I will have a more Sober thinking Process. Heck when the Wind that day is building in Wind Strength to jest about thirty Miles an Hour. I will simply leave My Predator its Bag.Another Thought. I Truly believe that I will have some of My Best XC flights ev er. Currently this Six Foot Three and Three Quarter of an inch Tall Male is really having a difficult time having My Weight Continue dropping. I am stuck at right about 200 Pounds. I want to drop My Weight so that My Body weight will be be optimum Body weight for a One Fifty Eight Predator. The Optimum Body Weight for a A Predator One Fifty Eight Predator is One Hundred Seventy five Pounds. I truly believe that after Flying the same Glider, that Glider is One Fifty Eight Predator.

I do not know how i will Feel and think about how My Predator One Fifty Eight's ability will compare to Today's Topless Gliders. Well I must remember when i asked John just how will My Predator do now after spending Twelve Years in it's Bag? Yea John I realize that They have had Twenty Years to; {WORK ON IT}.
Maybe My Predator is a washed up; {HAS BEEN} . But Heck at least my Predator is not a: {NEVER WAS}. Funny what end up being what causes' My decision to retire My Predator will be that The Sail is too UVED out to safely Fly. See, Dick Cheney, the Fellow who made predator sails is not Making Sails anymore for Predators. Dick; If You read this. I hope that You Might consider Making One More One Fifty Eight Predator Sail.
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Re: Hello US Hawks!!

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:43 pm

I fully realize that thi Country Western Song is Off-Topic here on the Hawks Hang Gliding Site. I find it interesting that since I Pounded so hard, I have started listening to some Country Western Music. Such as this Gretchen Wilson Song; Redneck Woman. I listen to this song just like My Ex Wife Jenny does. But there is a Catch. I unlike Jenny, i Crank it Up!

Toby keith: I like Toby Keith also, His Song; AS good as I once was. It is getting to be that way with Me. I Yearn, i lust for, I crave the notion of an One Hundred Percent Recovery.

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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:47 am

Well I do Hope that Everyone who looks at this Web-Page. I hope that all of You Fly today. It matters not Which site that You Launch from. also it really does not matter if say that You will be Flying from an Training Hill, or a Coastal Launch, Nor does it matter if You Launch from a Mountain Site, and Fly XC. It just matters that You FLY!

Yes go out today and Fly! On a given Day. No area of land is any safer than any other. We all know that it is the "PILOT" who can cause an accident. Anyways go Fly and above all Fly Safe.

I am so envious regarding each ands everyone of You. Maybe I will get down South so that I will be able to meet each of You. If I make it down to the Otto Meet.

Good By Chris
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:15 pm

OK this Question is off subject but nevertheless, I feel that there is a large pool of people like Me who have to deal with these organizations Who call and are schlepping for Money. It blows my mind how they might be from any type of an Organization Police Officers, Fire-Fighters. The association to inhahnce Pregnancy of Un-Wed Children Who Currently derive Their Physical Support From Welfare. It really doesn't Matter Who the Person calling Me represents. But the Schpeel is always the same. Could You Please Donate $25.00 or $35.00 to help out these needy People? I will reply by saying; Just how much Money are You looking to Raise. Then the Phone Solicitor will inevitably Will Hang Up.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:13 pm

Well this Phoenix Predator Pilot will Fly again. Yes Contrary to A certain Esteemed Doctor's Prognosis for My only being able to reclaim the Mimamillist of Physical abilities. No; My reality has exceeded those Prognosis. I wonder what that Doctor would think if He were to see the Video of My Next Flight. And what He would think if I were to do have a landing like I used to do all the Time. A Landing where I {STIVK THE LANDING}, as in where I do not need to take a Step.

Well The Day is soon Coming where I wil have an opportunity to Demonstrate My Flying abilities. I can not wait till when I will take Flight.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:40 am

Good Morning Everyone. I hope that all of You will Fly today. I fact those of You who will be Flying the Coast. Some already are fLYING. aNYWAYS hAVE A GREAT TIME.

GOOD by Chris
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:22 pm

I just love to Say that I [ONLY| need to loose about Twenty Pounds to be an Predator158 Pilot, who weighs to optimum Body weight tp Weigh so that at least regarding Body Weight I will be Optimum. I think that Is just so Cool. For when John was building the First Predator. He simply looked at His Own Body weight, in order to Calculate how Big The Glider should Be. That size was 142 Square feet. When I think about the 142 Predator, I think about how a Custom sized Glider was Built as a Production Glider.

I think about not if but wen I Fly My Beloved Predator 158. I just hope that I will be able FLY IT AS WELL AS i did before MARCH TWENTY eighth 2010. wHEN I talk to John about if I will be able to Fly Well once again John responded by sating; I do not know. You must remember that You are over Sixty Years ago, by the way, I am now Sixty Two Years Old.

I think about Flying once again. I think about as in the Past when I was a number of Miles from a Rouda. I would find Myself getting Low. I would be almost in a case of being desperate to find a Thermal. But in varitblly One side of My wing would lif. MY Vario would sound it's wonderful. I would turn so that My Glider Would begin it's rotation. I would enjoy Lift. as I I climbed while I turned. The Predator would Climb. THis is such a great Feeling for Me. What I am typing about; Flying XC, Getting low, then climbing back up is something that all of us have done. The difference with Me is that There was a time not that long ago where I wondered if I would ever Fly Again?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:49 pm

I fully realize that what I am going to say will be received like; Oh He really must like to Fly, or to want to Fly after the Pounding He took, Oh My. Or who knows; Here is tAlking about flying XC again, Ugh. I want to state here that while I am no Hero XC Pilot. I have had a couple of Flights that ended with Me, {Ok Bob I am going to use a Foul Four Letter Word here}. "SINKING Out" I always hate it when I sink out. Nevertheless no Matter where I had Landed after My XC Flight. By the way to Me Flying Xc enhances My Flying experience. When I am Flying XC, inevitably when ai land. Some local will come up to Me and ask Me Questions, Questions such as; Where did You launch from. What always Trips Me out is that No Matter how Far that I had just Flown from, it could be; 25 Miles, 75 Miles, 1444 Miles. The response of the Local is always the Same. Disbelief. They would then go on to ask Me; "How did You get this far?" "Where is Your Engine?" I am n ot making this up. It I would try to explain as well as I could How We Climb in Thermals then go on Glide, and Repeat again again. I had reponsess like, Yea right, where is Your Motor?" I try to explain How We while up in the Air, We try to locate none Thermal Triggers such as the dividing line between say tilled soil and lush Green. A had a Gal ask Me; "if Women Fly HG's?" I responded to Her Query by saying; Heck the numbers of Woman Who Fly HG's are fairly Few. But Yes Women who Fly tend to do quite well.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:10 am

Good Sunday Morning to all You Hawk Pilots. Ok This is My Good-Vibes, Feel good Message to all Of You. I want to Hope that Everyone has a Grat Day of Flying this Sunday. So I bet some of You are arady setting up Your Gliders. Go Get it have an enjoyable Flight Today.

Oh Yea one More Good thought: I hope that all of You Get High and go Far!

Good By Chris.
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