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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:00 pm

I am just spending a little time reflecting on Flying, on Life in General. You look at Pilots and YoU THINK; What is a GOOD PILOT? What Makes a Pilot Great? Well I am no hot shot Pilot. I never have been, I most likely never will Be. But right Here and Now February Sixth 2023. I know that I will be able to while not achieving any sense of Greatness I will at least be able to raise My Personal Bar to higher leval than anytime in the last Twenty Years Flying. Mean Heck it might be doing little short Test Hops down at Docweiler, or Who knows? But I will be Flying! Just thinking aboput it sends Chills down My Spine.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:33 pm

You know this Phoenix Pilot is planning on coming back to Flying with a Vengeance. Yes My Wings were clipped Really, Really, Really Short. But that qwas Thirteen Years ago. i will Fly to the Point that to get Me down someone will have to Shoot My Predator down. I believe that I will be so enamored with Being up in the Air. The Thought of Landing will not even enter My TBI Damaged Brain. IAs that Magic Body weight. The Optimum Body weight that a Pilot should Be becomes a realistic Goal. The number of Pounds, Body weight that a Pilot should Weigh so as to Be Optimal for Flying a 158 Predator is 175. This is going to be good.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:49 pm

My Glider is Called; "PREDATOR".

Yes I do hope to Fly again. The way I see it. Flying as I used to Fly would be a Gleeful experience. It is Funny I once put up a Post regarding how much I wanted to Fly My 158 Predator again. This was on one of the other Flying Sites. Well Some Pilot put up comments about how My Predator was a Dinosaur. He also said that a Predator was un-safe. Unsafe/ If You want a Glider that can handle a lot of Wind. Can be landed day in and Day out while never whacking a Landing. Then Fly a Predator. One aspect of My Predator that allowed Me to become a Pilot Who knew that if there were a Wisp of rising Air in a Thermal. Then up, up, Up I would Go. The Gliders amazing ability to work Weak Lift for all that it's worth is really something to experience. And now that I will be a Hundred Pounds lighter when I Fly it. I say look-out! I was just now talking with John on the Phone, High John! Anyways John and I were talking, and toward the end of Our Conversation Were were talking about the Predator, I said how I thought that it was such a great Glider. How when John get's up here how He will give Nt Glider an IRAN. Heck I have no doubt that My Predator should get an IRAN. I simply love My Predator!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Feb 10, 2023 4:46 pm

So after Lunch My Sister Kathleen drove out to Modesto. She has some Pads and Stuff to Pick up at Swifties. Anyways I am Home I am really putting together a Plan to load up stuff in order to Move. I will go after the Kitchen Floor with the Steam Mop. I also will Play Guitar. You know, I will just be tending to Things , like any one Doers.

Ok here is My:Go out and have Great Flights to those of You Who Fly. Get High, Go Far!
Chris McKeon
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:18 pm

Look I know that I must seem to be a little Pathetic. I know that come March Twenty-eight it will have been thirteen Years since I Flew last. It is True that after I Pounded I was in Pretty sorry shape. I mean My coming so close to Dying has Me going over in My Mind My Pounding. I just still have the Desire to Fly in fact the Fitre to Fly is burning brighter than ever. I do have an Ace in the Hole though regarding this on going Recovery. That "ACE" is My Sister Kathleen; "THE DEMON" She has been pushing Me ever since I regained Consciousness to Push Myself. I love My Sister.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:09 pm

Ok I believe that here in this as John says; This Gravity Secured Penitentiary that We all exist in. I for one will attempt to have Jail-Break! Look at it this way. today is Saturday. Why not Fly Today? I Mean if today is not a Working Day. I say Fly. What is better than Flying? It really is True what Chuck said; "It's the Flyingst Flying there is. Thirteen Years ago, I almost failed; {My Reality Check} I have heard that Flying a HG is just like riding a Bike, I do hope that it is just Like riding a Bike.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Feb 12, 2023 10:15 am

So sorru yo not be able to report some actual Flying, But; this Morning We got up, and found Daisy our Pitt Bull Terrier. was lying on the Livingroom Floor. This Dog would never alow Us to step over Her. Daisy Just layed there. Well My Sister and My Brother got down on the Floor with Daisy. Well We have sumized tha Daisy is Dying. My Sister jus said that "She is so Stressed out, She is a Damable Wreck.

Si guess that We will need to Find a Vett with a Syringe, Who will Euthanize dAISY ON A sUNDAY.

Well for Me anyways. This Sunday is Starting out really Badly. OK i do hope that Everyone Flies Well and Get it Good, Get High, Go Fa.

Good By Chris.r
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Postby Craig Muhonen » Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:42 am


Chris McKeon wrote: Also what is the attraction of Paragliders?
Chris wrote,
I have seen some Good hg pILOTS GO TO THE: "dark side" i mean what is it that draws HG Pilots away?

"Some Hang Gliders in Telluride who had the airspace to themselves from 1972 until the mid 90’s when Paragliders took it over, started flying PG’s just because they were lonely and flyin’ is flyin’, soo. Even with the many fatalities in PG elsware, no PG fatalities in Telluride…so far. That is until 2020 when Lloyds pulled out, and all foot launched piloting was banned here and a number of major ski areas. Even USHPA couldn’t get any one to underwrite them, Paragliding is that dangerous".

"I put my dog "Munch" down after 18 'bitchen' years with her by my side. 1970 to 1988.
2 Munch Maintenance 2.png
2 Munch Maintenance 2.png (21.4 KiB) Viewed 707 times

Sad to hear about your dog Daisy Chris, but she will look you in the eye, even on her last day and say,
“I Love You and put me to work” which is true for all dogs (and I’ve met many as a Plumber).
Stay safe out there and keep your hands busy and work your legs". :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

God be with you.

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:13 pm

- OK, I am going to put something here that is a little Off-Topic. But is this really such a Bad thing for Me to write about? For My Mother who Bore Me. Has -Dementia. I Know that some of You are experiencing the same thing; Old Parents who have succumbed to this horrible Disease. I have a few Questions; Does the Mental Decent ever stop, or is it all the way till Death? Does anyone Know what causes Dementia? I worry that if it is handed down through Generations, will I succumb to this horrible reality? Does anyone know if there is a cure coming?

Ok I do apologise for putting this Post up on this Flying Website. But as I said before Some of You are dealing with this, or will have to deal with this. I am just hoping that someone will have something to say that might Help.

Thank You, Good By Chris McKeon. . . 925-497-1059
Chris McKeon
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Feb 28, 2023 8:13 pm

- OK, I am going to put something here that is a little Off-Topic. But is this really such a Bad thing for Me to write about? For My Mother who Bore Me. Has -Dementia. I Know that some of You are experiencing the same thing; Old Parents who have succumbed to this horrible Disease. I have a few Questions; Does the Mental Decent ever stop, or is it all the way till Death? Does anyone Know what causes Dementia? I worry that if it is handed down through Generations, will I succumb to this horrible reality? Does anyone know if there is a cure coming?

Ok I do apologise for putting this Post up on this Flying Website. But as I said before Some of You are dealing with this, or will have to deal with this. I am just hoping that someone will have something to say that might Help.

Thank You, Good By Chris McKeon. . . 925-497-1059
Chris McKeon
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