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Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:12 pm

OK I am posting this in hopes that I will get some replies to a couple specific Questions, thoughts that I would enjoy reading some responses.

OK so here I go:

. does anyone know of a Mid-Air Collison when while Both of The Pilots who had a Mid-Air were both Flying an XC route. I will just say that both Pilots were at least Ten Miles from Their Launches. Anyways: Does anyone know of a Midair that took place between Two Pilots who were Flying XC?
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Bill Cummings » Tue Sep 05, 2023 5:12 pm

I asked my wife Terry but neither of us knows first hand or has heard about XC pilots that had a midair collision.
We do know of pilots near launch that had a collision.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:13 am

I think about Ken Muscio. if KM had Flew XC on January Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Sixteen, instead of Ridge Soaring at His Home Site Lake McClure California, Yes if KM had headed out on an XC Journey where His Flying would have been most likely would have been a safe Flight, KM would not have died. For sure KM would not have had a Mid - Air. Yes, when it comes down to a Pilot risking having a Mid-Air. Flying XC is infinitely safer than making passes back and Forth at One's local Site.

On each and every Day I think about KM. I still Miss KM, I Imagin that I always will Miss KM.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:07 am

Ok I really have been Wondering.; Has anyone actually used this Short-Pack for really what should of been motivation that emaciated its creation. That is it makes sense that the idea, the concept of being able to short Pack Ones Glider. Then He or She could be self-retrieved upon landing near some road somewhere. Yea I can see Myself finally having to land. yes, I can Emagine how MY predator would sink out. I as this Mystery Pilot that I am talking about would have to deal with getting home. So does anyone have a story, or stories regarding how they Flew, landed out. Short Packed Their Glider. Took out their Phone and Called a Taxi, an Uber. A Bus, I do not know, Maybe the Pilot called U-Haul.

Look this Short - Packing of One's Glider is such a cool idea, I can just see Myself Flying, Flying XC and the clouds would be lined up Perpendicular to the Roads, or where I Plopped down, I had to lug My Predator say Five Miles to the Nearest road.

It is like My Friend Kim said about His interesting retrieval while Flying XC one Day. KM and His Glider got back to McClure. KM said, "When One has been Flying XC, after You Land, that is when the adventure Begins.

But On January Twenty-Eight3016. While staying at His local Site, note everyone knows that Flying Cross Country is Dangerous. Well Flying at Lake McClure Bud experienced a Mid-Air and Died.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:33 pm

I am just thinking about where a Pilot friend of Mine and I had pretty much the same experience, Yet He does not know it. That is; Check My experience out. I am a General contractor. well i was building a Custom Fire-place Mantle for Rolf and his Wife Guinevere. Anyways I was doing what for Me: Was to be very focused into what I was doing which was rite then to be cutting Maple using My Chop Saw. Well out of the Corner of My Eye I noticed that Rolf was Standing nearby with His arms crossed Staring at Ne. So, when I took a break from My task, I asked Rolf; "Rolf, why are You staring at Me? Rolf replied, Because I am seeing a Man Who has Squandered His Gifts: So, I replied, "Rold How so?" Rolf said to Me; "Chris You have everything that One needs to be a Surgeon. You are Quite intelligent, You have Beautiful Hands," .

Ok, One of My Flying Friends once said to Me I Fly because I just Love being up in the Air. Talk about squandering One's Gifts! A simple love for being up in the Air. Well that Is something that One can Go to when Flying XC. Yes, when You are getting too Darn Low. So low that You can see individual Birds Perched on The Limbs of Trees, You are too Low. That is when having a Love of: "Just being in the Air" would serve You very Well.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:43 pm

OK, I know that I am at Present a; "BROKEN DOWN PREDATOR PILOT". But in My Mind, I so Yearn to Fly, Yes to Break Free of this Gravity Secured Penitently that We all exist in. One Physical Factor that I want to see the change of My Flying the Same One Fifty-Eight Predator. That Physical Change in My Body is Weight. For this time when I Fly My first Flight in Thirteen Pluss Years. This previous as of the Morning of My last Flight when this Six Foot Three-inch-tall Predator Pilot weighed Two Hundred Ninety-Eight Pounds. Well Now I will weigh no More than Two Hounds the next Time that I Fly. It really will be interesting for Me to Fly My Predator without having a Heavy Hook-in Number!
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:30 am

So, it is rite around 8:00 AM. Here in California. OK, yes, I am thinking about Flying again. I tend to do that. Flying a HG was the Greatest thing I ever accomplished in My Life. And yes, I want to return to the Sky. But I must be Patient. I "Feel" that I will get to where I will once again used to think nothing of. That was to Fly. What did Leonardo say? Was it like this: Once One has tasted Flight You shall long to return? I want to return to the Sky in the Worse way.

I am on a Misson to Procure an old Manual Typewriter. A Manual Typewriter Would be a Great thing to do for My Left Hand abd Fingers. It was suggested that I look on E-Bay. I will check out E-Bay after I send this Message. So Does anyone want to help Me out by shipping Me there old Manual Typewriter? I have some Money to give for Device that will Aid My recovering Manual Dexterity in My Left Hand.

Thanl You Chris M 925-497-1059
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:43 pm

OK, here I go again this Currently Non active Predator pilot. I just out up these posts talking about how I want to return to Free Flight. But John and I are thinking about this Spring when it warms up. Yes, John and I will: this here. So that He and I can do what John and I did so Many times in the Past, that would Be to Fly. I just hope that after My last Flight which ended in a Near=Death Pounding. I have not Flown since3 - 28 - 3010. Being that I suffered a pretty serious TBI. I worry that I will have forgotten how to do the Basics. Such Whacking a Glider.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:12 pm

So I sit here thinking about Flying again. My first Flight will be made from some training hill. I hope to quickly be capable of Flying, doing some say Costal Ridge Soaring. "RIDE SOARING; I have already taken some flack regarding My possible Ridge soaring from a Pilot friend of Mine. Upon hearing that I might be doing some ridge soaring My friend Scoffed and said to My Sister: Ha! Ridge Soaring that isn't Flying! I just want to say being My Physical state rite now. I consider it a huge success. Yes if I will be able to set up a Glider. Then do a Pre-Flite. Hold The Glider pointing the nose into the Wind adjusting the Angle of Attack. Well launching will be a totally Awesome Bonus.
I really do think that Dockweiler is a very real possibility this Year.
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Re: Just Wondering.

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:53 pm

So here I am Posting yet another Post. I feel, yes, I am using the word "FEEL". As Pilots We all know, or at least We should know that: Letting One's Feelings regarding where We Fly, or how we fly once We are up in the Air is Not a very productive way to let Our emotions dictate Our choices for given Day. I have no Doubt, none at all that Flying say My Predator, Flying maybe Franks Condor. Or possibly Bob's WW Alpha. All three of these Gliders share a very real similarity. All three of the Gliders are Aircraft that could, or will allow Me to, As John says: This Physical reality will allow Me to Escape this Gravity enforced Penitentiary that I exist in.

OK at present. I do not know what Site, and on what Day. That I will be standing on launch? No, I do not know which Glider that I will be Flying it very well Might be at a Training Hill up here in Northern California. For I might Be Flying My FRiend Zack Majors Wills Wing 330 Condor. See John, when He can Steal away from teaching Students how to Fly, John will drive up here from Southern California. Or My first Flite Might just be made after I take a Bus ride to Southern California at the End of May.

Anyways it does not REALLY MATTER WHERE I Fly. And even though I took a huge amount of hateful depressing Flack from a friend of Mine over the Possibility that My First Flite in what will Be 14 Years that is if the First time that I launch a Glider is after March Twenty-Eight Two Thousand Twenty-Four, it will have Been Fourteen Years since I Flew a Hang Glider.

Well in closing. I really do a lot of Wondering as to Where and When I will Fly. I mean why not simply think about Flying. That is something all of You do along with Me. We all love to Fly, Isn't That Correct? We all Love to Fly?
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