Free wrote:A place to counter the banner's 'official story' would be a good service to those that get kicked to the curb.
Keeping the gatekeepers honest is an honest goal.
Well, we sort of have that one already. Everyone is certainly free to tell their side of the story right here. The key to making this work will be to increase readership of this forum so that it actually matters. We'll need to figure out a way to make the US Hawks one of the places where pilots will come to get the real scoop on what's happened. We also need it to be a place where people will want to come and visit. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
Free wrote:The rift between Warren and Jim. This appears to be a long standing feud, and I don't know enough history to make much of a comment. But I can say that it's often helpful to have impartial people willing to look at a conflict and try to work with both sides toward a resolution. This may be impossible, but I think it's worth at least some level of effort.[/list]
What do you all think of that role for the US Hawks?
Hey, I really like it though it is doubtful that Jim Gaar will join in. It's been tried before.
I've given him opportunities to clear his conscience but he just won't come clean.
Well, we have to start from an assumption that he may not feel he has anything to come clean about. We also have to start with a goal in mind. Maybe just a "baby step" kind of goal.
So what would be a simple step toward mending that fence that you would like to see?
Let me give you an example from the banning. I could demand that Jack admit that he's been a jerk and also remove the bans on Scott and myself. But that's not likely to happen. However, asking to remove the bans without any admissions is much more likely (although still nearly impossible).
So what is it that you would like to be able to accomplish in the Jim Gaar situation that would be a small step in the right direction without demanding an unconditional surrender from Jim?
Free wrote:A Court of Public Opinion sounds like a good way to sort this out, remedy the problem and maybe get a 'brother' back in the air.
That sounds like a worthy goal. What is the absolute minimum required to make that happen (without any admissions of guilt on anyone's part)?