by Chris McKeon » Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:07 am
Ok I really have been Wondering.; Has anyone actually used this Short-Pack for really what should of been motivation that emaciated its creation. That is it makes sense that the idea, the concept of being able to short Pack Ones Glider. Then He or She could be self-retrieved upon landing near some road somewhere. Yea I can see Myself finally having to land. yes, I can Emagine how MY predator would sink out. I as this Mystery Pilot that I am talking about would have to deal with getting home. So does anyone have a story, or stories regarding how they Flew, landed out. Short Packed Their Glider. Took out their Phone and Called a Taxi, an Uber. A Bus, I do not know, Maybe the Pilot called U-Haul.
Look this Short - Packing of One's Glider is such a cool idea, I can just see Myself Flying, Flying XC and the clouds would be lined up Perpendicular to the Roads, or where I Plopped down, I had to lug My Predator say Five Miles to the Nearest road.
It is like My Friend Kim said about His interesting retrieval while Flying XC one Day. KM and His Glider got back to McClure. KM said, "When One has been Flying XC, after You Land, that is when the adventure Begins.
But On January Twenty-Eight3016. While staying at His local Site, note everyone knows that Flying Cross Country is Dangerous. Well Flying at Lake McClure Bud experienced a Mid-Air and Died.