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I'm on to Something.

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:26 am

I tell You that for Me to recover from Where I got a terrible Cases of Brain Damage, and Spasticity that ran, runs up and down the left side of My Body. So, while I reluctantly have had to accept the: "Fact that Once You have Brain Damage, You Always have Brain Damage. But when came/comes to My Spasticity. This something that I have been able to progress to where it will soon be something that I: "Had". To that end, I have gone after My own ideas as to how to get Beyond Spasticity That had lodged itself into the Left side of My Body. So, to this Day I try to increase the use of My left hand. Playing My SG. Typing. I also work on increasing My ability to do Sit-ups. The hugest factor in My recovery that is My Sister. Kathleen has been an assume driving Motivating Asset to Me. I love My Sister. Check this out; Kaiser asked My Sister to write a Paper on what She had done to enable this severely Brain Injured Brother to recover in such a dramatic Sense.
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Re: I'm on to Something.

Postby Craig Muhonen » Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:23 am

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Hi Chris,
here's some thoughts which may help.
When doing sit-ups do them "cross crunch" style.
Do exercises which strengthen both calf muscles equally, this is important because if your left side is weaker than your right it will throw your lower spine out as you walk. I know it did with mine because I wasn't walking "equally", and I paid a price.
Stay totally hydrated with some electrolytes and your back will love you.
Concentrating on walking "heel to toe" is great for your calf muscles and if you can get on a tread mill all the better. For me when I was walking I had to look straight ahead because if I turned my head I felt like I was going to fall.
I know our TBI's had an effect on our inner ears and thus good balance must be practiced every day and you can Google "balance exercises".
You can build up your left hand by squeezing a rubber ball, and if you're up to it you can start to learn how to juggle and practice with juggling bags which will help bring your left and right into balance. again you can google it.

Just sayn'

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Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
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Re: I'm on to Something.

Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:37 pm

Craig My Fathers Second Wife typed a Hundred and Twenty-One Words a Minute. You must be able to see why I now know that doing things with Both My Hands is such a Benefit to Me. As I do more and more things with My hands and My Mind, they Both Benefit. I have had some good success with Playing My Gibson Guitar. Both Physical, and Mental Benefits. I do not know if They are even manufactured any More. But oh 35 Yeas ago You could Buy this Set-Up where You erect a Frame attach a Mesh to the Frame. Then You could play catch with Yourself. I am going to see about getting Myself one. I already have a Baseball Glove and a Ball.
Chris McKeon
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Re: I'm on to Something.

Postby dhmartens » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:50 pm

My Girlfriend needed 85 trips to hospitals and docters. I made sure no appointments were missed. So far so good.
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Re: I'm on to Something.

Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:00 am

Iam onto Something for Me to Improve My Body, Push-Ups. What I am striving to do lately is to do Clean, straight back, Controlled Sit-Ups so as to be able that I benefit, Getting Stronger. I want to do a Hundred Push Ups while doing each Push up using Good Form. But heck; Not unless You are a completely out of Shape Pathetic Overweight Fat Suck. You can do a Hundred Pushups. I mean before I Pounded, I could Probably could have done a Hundred Push Ups where I would push My Self off the Floor with enough Force so that I could Clap My Hands. But that was Then this is now. Now I am Struggling to do even Twenty-Five Push Ups.
Chris McKeon
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