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Re: USHPA Finally Follows US Hawks Rating Retention Policy

Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:19 pm

Well first off; I want to say that if all these Posts that I have been posting here. Yes, the posts that were born from my TBI damaged Brain. Well, I mean this, I will not take offense if anyone Posts that I have become a depressing Bore. I do not want to come accross as a negative. I will simply subside, I will stop Posting My TBI Born Ideas.


I see Flying Hang Gliders, I believe I see it sort of like Chuck Yeager say it: It's the Flingiest Flying that there is. I so Wonder if I will be able to Fly as well as I did before I Pounded Fourteen Years ago. I asked John that Question Three Years ago, John replied. I do not know; you just need to remember that You are 60 Sixty Years old now. Well, I am now Sixty-Three.

This I do know: If and when I am able to launch a HG. That Flight even if it only covers Fifty feet on a Training Hill. Yes, if I Merly accomplishes a short little venture into the Sky, and then return back down to this as John said: "This Gravity Secured Penitentiary that We all reside in. For I will if only for a few seconds, I will suceed in acomplishing My Greatest Flight ever!
Chris McKeon
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Re: USHPA Finally Follows US Hawks Rating Retention Policy

Postby dhmartens » Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:42 pm

Chris, your unusual post led me to find the purpose of the creation of the universe.
The actual purpose of the universe has been revealed

(to create a home and invite God in)

250,000 hang gliders are being built by militaries every year.....
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