I must say: It is just so cool for Me to be able to Play My Guitar, to be able to Pick out individual Notes. When I first tried to say form a D Major Chord, "A "Chord. Heck any Chord. I could not do it. I mean My Mind would say to My Left hand My Hand with its Fingers to Form say an A Chord. It would not respond. If any of You Heard Me Play Ny Guitar. I practice every Day. Oh, I imagine that You Guys would, or heck Who Knows? Maybe You Guys will one Day. He's a terrible Player of the Guitar. But I will be Playing. To be able to Play at all is a genuine testament to the Ability of My Body to recover.
When I Fly again. My all-time Greatest Flight will be My next Flight. Even though I will have forgotten the basics relating to how to Fly a Hang Glider. I will have forgotten how to Whack a HG. But Bottom line: I will have Flown.