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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:34 pm

Ok I believe that have said it I have said something such as: {I am Pathetic} or words to that effect. But due to injuries that occurred during the Landing Phase of My Last Flight, Flying My Beloved Predator 158 Predator. Since that Flight, I have not Flown My HG in Just over Fourteen Years. I mean the way that Flight ended, Wow! But the main point regarding this Post I still dream about Flying, Flying My Predator. My Predator. I have had just two Flights Flying a Three Axes control Aircraft. That was when I flew a Two Seat Grobe Sail Plane. Flying that Grobe had Me thinking about the Possibilities of how much Distance that Sailplane could cover providing Of course, that would be after I became comfortable Flying it. Flying that Grobe was definitely a Whole New Learning Curve. I just love learning about how to Fly a New Aircraft. It is like what Larry Tudor once said: "Always the Student". I have always been fascinated By Flying. This I hope never to lose.
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:00 am

Chris McKeon wrote:I have always been fascinated By Flying. This I hope never to lose.

Here's your track record on the U.S. Hawks:

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With 1,389 posts over the past decade, I don't think you will ever lose your fascination with flying. :)
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:31 pm

So yes, I have many thoughts regarding Flying. OK I do think about truly Awesome it will be for Me to leave the Ground. Also, it will just please Me to no end if and when I do Fly. I know that some of You who read this post, will think: Oh here is that Berain Injured Guy writing about Flying again. Yes I am writing about Flying again. For I believe, no I Know that Flying My Predator Really did allow Me to be Free. I just believe that even thought I will not be Flying My Predator on My first Flight in Fourteen Years. I quite possibly I will fly John's North Wing T-Two. I do not know how to convey the words that describe the Thoughts that are going through My head.

I Echo the sentiments regarding Flying a Hang Glider that were Made by Chuck by Chuck Yeager: "That's the flingiest Flying there is". If Flying a Hang Glider is not the: "Flingiest Flying there is, then what is? For that will be the Type of an Aircraft that I want to Fly, whatever Aircraft that is, Count Me in!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:42 pm

These Two Songs are such killer Hang Gliding Athem's. I mean; These Two Song strike a Chord with Me. I mean the inspiration to Compose such Songs should have been related to Hang Gliding. I get High with a little Help from My Friends. That rings true as having come about by say I do not know which Beatle Fly's or Flew Hang Gliders. But Flying a HG should have been what inspired the Song.

If I did this correctly ... &PC=EDGEDB

This song is My favorite song rite now. ... &PC=EDGEDB

Take The Movement so as when a Pilot sinks out, quite a long way from a road. So, this must have inspired a Pilot to come up with an Mode, that allows a Glider to be short Packed.

I am trying to Fly again. I will only get to Fly again with a little Help from My Friends.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:58 pm

Perseverant Thoughts born because of My TBI

OK I have asked these Questions Before. But there has been nary a Reply. But the ability to Shor - Pack Ones Glider to Me any ways just Seem's so darn cool to Me. What I want to know is: What was the impetus, what caused the Person Who came up with this great Concept up? I would it was a driving force that prompted the initiation, and the Development of such a handy way to be able for a Pilot to move their Glider after they had landed. IIn My Mind's Eye, I can imagine a Pilot who after having an XC Flight that fell Short. A Flight where that Foul Dirty word reared its Ugly Head. Where the Pilot Who came up with This great concept had to outland and then pack their Glider to a road.

If a scenario such as what I just described was not the cause of inspiration that drove this Pilot coming up with this great idea. Then it should have been.

So to whoever the Pilot who has developed this Short Packing deal. Good on You.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:39 pm

So yes, I have to admit it. I really do think about Flying almost constantly. I mean why not? I just like everyone Else had the desire to Fly. Yes, Way back in 1990, the Fuse was lit. That desire to experience Free Flight burns in My Heart more than ever before. Well, also just why not? I have this to look forward to. Yes, I will Fly. The first Flight that I have had in Fourteen Years will almost Certainly not be a Cross Country Flight. Heck it will not be a Soaring Flight. But that Flight even though it very well will be off some training Hill somewhere. The First Flight that I have taken made in Fourteen Years, It might only cover Fifty Feet. But the Flight will certainly be the greatest Flight that I have ever made. The Flight will also be the Greatest Flight that I will ever Make! I always thought of My Flying as a great thing to do. But coming back from this Oh so close to Death experience that I went through raised the bar regarding the Words. recovered Pilot. Amen!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:54 pm

Where I struggle to do Push-ups. My Goal is to Do a Hundred Push - Ups while maintaining a straight as possible back. What I work towards is to do a 100 Push - Ups while maintaining good form. Well, Have My Work Cut out for Me.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:48 am

Here are a couple of My Thoughts regarding Flying. Heck I was, and I still am consumed by the thinking about Flying as an almost constant obsession with Me. I think about some other Pilots who I know who either are quite copiable talented Pilots. To Fly a HG is a Skill. It really does tend to be an activity that tends to Demonstrate just How much Skill a Pilot has. It is interesting that Pilots such as John, and Larry Tudor seem to have the same basic Thoughts regarding their Flying. I remember once reading Where Larry Tudor said: "Always the Student". John is always very subdued, He is a very humble kind of a Guy. John always when We Speak, John and I talk quite often. Well John makes Me feel very at ease. I mean when John and I talk. John always causes Me to feel as though I am an equal. Even though, using any measuring stick. I do not feel as though I am equal to John. Going Flying with John again is something that I am so eager to do. For just as numerous times in the PAST. when John and I go fly again. it is going to be so much Fun!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:04 pm

Not too much reply on this Wb - site to My thoughts. and My ideas regarding My Aspirations of Free - Flight. " Free - Flight". doesn't saying Free - Flight. Does that not really convey What We do? I mean: Are We not Free, when We Fly? I for I am so looking Forward to My First Flight in a little over Fourteen Years now. I believe that I will have those same feelings of Freedom that I had when I first began to have soaring Flights. Infact currently I am in a {Holding Pattern}. for I am waiting for John to get up here. John has to change a Main Seal in His Volkswagen Van. If and when I get into the Air. I mean if I just launch off some training Hill. If I immediately sink back down to Earth. If I only fly forward for, I do not know. Let's say if I Fly only Fifty Feet in Distance. Then If I then do a resounding" Whack". The Flight will be so Epic a Flight. If the Flight that I just described does indeed happen. The Flight will be no Question, Whack and all it will be not only the Greatest Flight that I have ever Made, but it will be the Greatest Flying experience that I will ever do!
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:48 pm

So here I go thinking, thinking about Flying. I tend to do that as am almost Constant Thought. {THOUGHTS} I am blessed that somehow, I have been able to recover to a high degree. I had a Physical Therapist over in Vallejo by the Name of Chris Kowalski. One Day I asked Chris, when will I be a Hundred percent recovered? Chris responded by saying: "Only You will know when You are a Hundred Percent recovered". I did not know what to say to Chris. But these Days Fourteen Years later. I believe that I would know about when that Majic Day will arrive.


It is sounding like towards the end of this Month I will see John. If one likes to Fly a Predator, and I do love to Fly My Predator. There have been many times when I would be experiencing the Filthy, Foul Four-letter Cuss Word: "SINK". But somehow even though it was Me Flying My One Fifty-Eight Predator. But I managed to remain Air Born. Regarding a Kick Tail, Bad a** HG, the way One spells Succes is like this: {PREDATOR|.
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