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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:41 pm ... &PC=EDGEDB

OK I am pursuing My Quest to Overcome Spasticity by Playing Mg SG. Yes Hopefully, by My {laying Guitar. Playing, playing new songs will Help Me rid MY Body Of the Spasticity the runs up and down the left side of My Body.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:03 pm

Here I sit, I am a Post Pond Busted up Predator Pilot. I know, know that You guys must think that I am Whacked, and You would be justified in thinking that I am Whacked. For why the Heck would a Person choose or want to Fly again after what I have been through, but way back in 199-2000 when I first gained some meager Airtime. The Fire was lit, the Desire to continue on with the Joy of {Free-Flight} began for Me. Well today That Desire for {Free-Flight} was Lit. And Today My Desire Today Burns Brighter than ever.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:55 pm

Ok I am looking to get someone who knows more than I do regarding My Cell Phone. And to be honest, that is just about everyone, ok, here is My problem: Today My Moto G-Motto Cell phone met its Demise Yes it did not operate verry well. I am looking for impute, advise so that My next Phone I choose to get will function better. My Metro G-Moto got crushed.

So, does anyone have any Idea as to what brand Cell Phone that I should buy?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:45 pm

Well I can see that being able to break down My Predator to More manageable length, say Five Feet as possibly ROUND Five Feet. This would be cool. But I wonder if the limits of what can be done because of the Carbon Fiber in My Glider might be a Problem. Will it be a Problem?
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:55 am

"AIR HORNY", what does it mean to a person who does not Fly, who does not understand what a Person/ Pilot is trying to Convey. I mean for the uninitiated who do not understand the Context. Being Air Horny while yes, it is a very real Physical condition. Bur saying Mw so Horny. Horny is not at ll a Cuss word. I have such a Bad case of being so Air Horny, I am just about bouncing off the ground Sans Predator at this point.

But I have waited a little over Fourteen years to Fly, but I am indeed so Horny I could Burst.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:47 pm

I fully understand how Pathetic that I For I will write, these Posts that are not really worth anyone's time to look at. The Flight But I do hope to Make My First Flight 0n Fourteen Years. I hope to change that with help from Our Friend John's Help. I hope that My first Flight will happen in Oh a week or so. Yes, My Flight will be on Film, so stand by.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jul 15, 2024 11:05 am

I swear: Pilots-People want to sit around and complain, grip and complin about things, then doing anything about correcting the Problem. I see shifting how I respond to a Problem, thus improving the outcome of the endeavor. I just know that Bob is going to Experience two new realities when He and I get up to one of the great places to launch His Glider. One: Bob will be experiencing a new Flying reality. For this I have said before. I think that Bob is going to feel all alone. I mean there will be no one Who will interfere with Bob's launching his Glider. Bob is going to feel unsorted, and alone.

But Bob, You will soon adapt. You will so thoroughly enjoy not being messed with, when I just want to Fly.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:59 am


OK I have a Compound of Electronic - Computer - Phone Problems. One i cannot access My E-Mail. and two My Cell Phone is DOA as of a Day or two ago. I want to speak with John H. So, could someone when You run into John ask John to call Me using My Mother's Land Line? I believe that John has My Mothers Land Line number, or He could call Me using My Sisters Cell phone.

So, I have learned My Lesson. From this Day forward I will back up all My Phone numbers using good old, legible, Reliable, Pen and Paper.

Thanks Everyone. Good By Chris M.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:14 pm

Am I correct in that There is a Wills Wing Condor? I am still being awed by the sheer size of 330 Square Foot Glider, Wow! Bob once typed in a Text Message to Me, that He simply just loved to be up in the Air Flying. My Predators Excellent Sink rate has allowed Me to remain Airborne while if I was Flying another Manufacturers Glider, I would be on the Ground, instead of Flying above the Ground. I mean really, can a Glider have too good of a sink rate? I dream of a Glider where when I will be in a Strong Thermal. In order to get down; I will have to Use My Hook-Knife and My Parachute to get down.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Aug 09, 2024 2:42 pm

It really has My attention, how a Pilot displays no interest regarding Our Gliders ability to have a good Sink rate. I mean a good sink rate is a very major factor in Our while Flying a Glider, The Gliders ability to remain Airborne. I mean if You have to land, if You are not landing on the Side - Top of a mountain somewhere, Your Flying for that Day is pretty Much Over. So to know of a Glider that; Not My Words here: "The Predator has a Phenomenal sink rate". I mean; One would think that knowing that the Glider has such a Good sink rate. It would make sense to Fly one. By the way, even though John is the {GO TO GUY} regarding Predators. He is not the only Pilot who has one..

Ok this is about it Good By. Get High Go Far.
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