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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:58 am

More development notes on a coupler:

"post flange" to receive chordwise strut extension ...
The post will stop diagonal stays.
"Strut extension enters main strut to be stopped inside main chordwise strut ..."
Fly and land rig lines' terminal loops could wrap coupler and be stopped by the post that receives the chordwise strut extension.
CouplerWithPostAndInteriorStopAndCushions.jpg (6.91 KiB) Viewed 396 times

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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby dhmartens » Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:25 pm

The James Bond Moonraker hangglider is classified.
Section 26 paragraph 5 need to know. Sorry Old Man.
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Re: The 5 ft-or less-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:08 pm

Florian, welcome! :salute:
The movement is about any tiny-packing that is 5 ft in length or less in length, but mainly safe and polite when carried on city local buses and commuting trains! Your adventure into a TPHG is welcome. Share all your thoughts and experiences as you explore a 140 cm prototype. On my Olympic journey we stayed a short while in Switzerland before going to Rome ... my high jump journey in 1960. Our meet in Bern was nearly a turning point for me; I was injured, but in Bern I barely outjumped the 4th alternate jumper and thus stayed on the active top-three US high jump team.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:58 pm

Hi wonderful flying fools :salute: ,

I've just checked the 11th first pages of this topic and the only technical thing I have to say is that the solution is in those two posts (thank's to Joe and Bob) :

JoeF wrote:"sail may be separate from frame"
== Frame up. Then place the skin on the frame.
== Frame would be fully visible at each session assembly.

Bob Kuczewski wrote:
  • A mechanism to easily remove the sail from the frame
  • Sleeves to join longer tubes after cutting for short packing

It is for nearly six month I'm working on this project and I've discovered your 2015's TPHG Movement last weekend.

If I may, retractable antena system or NASA's special top secret material have nothing to do in the prior solution.

The first goal is not weight but the size when packed. Remember, 50 years ago, a hang glider was basically a cloth sheet with bed slats, and they flew with that. So let Icaro, Aeros or WW do their best to improve flying performances on today's hang glider, and concentrate only on the packaging.

My first idea was to store my hang glider INTO my harness. The harness would have been the bag. So I needed a 1.4m packed HG and I've worked on. The result is that finaly it would be better to put the HG AND the harness in an other and only bag for traveling with, in a bus or an airplane.

Because we are always depending of the weather, a TPHG is good to be ready to practice every where. Just keep your bag IN your car and take it as soon as you see a school slope or the right place to practice.

At this time, I agree with my HG teacher here in Switzerland, saying that my TPHG 4.6ft might be perfect for school slope but not shure for long flight. In Europe (Switzerland is not part of Europe but physicaly in the middle of it), hang gliders do not have to be certified, but a certified hang glider means confirmed for 6 positive G's and 3 negative G's. Future will tell.

More to come :wave:

Semper Fidelis

PS : Many videos, links and images are missing, so if other important points for this movement are into pages 12th to 82nd, please quote them for me, Thank's :thumbup:
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Re: The 5 ft-or-less packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:58 am

Great, Semper Fidelis! During your six months of attention on TPHG matters, there must be some matters that may be massaged for progress! :idea: :!:

Some development notes:
Ideas for Spanwise Structural Enhancement on Tiny-Packable Hang Gliders
Date: July 10, 2024

Subject: Spanwise Structural Enhancement and Airfoil Formation in SS HG

In exploring innovative ways to enhance the structural integrity and aerodynamic efficiency of tiny-packable hang gliders, several concepts have emerged involving the integration of spanwise lines and airfoil formers. These ideas can potentially improve performance by optimizing the shape and stability of the sail.

Key Concepts:

Spanwise Lines:

Description: Spanwise lines are proposed to run between each chordwise strut, extending from the keel to the wingtip.
Purpose: These lines could serve as foundations for vertical sticks or forms that press sail-embedded battens or free-standing stuffers, thereby shaping the sail into an airfoil.
Variability: The distance of these lines from the leading edge (LE) can be adjusted, and there could be one, two, or three such lines per wing.

Airfoil Formers:

Description: The spanwise lines can act as supports for various types of airfoil formers or stuffers, which help maintain the desired airfoil shape.
Benefits: These formers can be designed to minimize parasitic drag in a single-surface (SS) configuration.

Dual Surface (DS) Configuration:

Description: In a dual-surface configuration, the lower sail can provide the foundational platform for the airfoil formers and stuffers.
Benefits: This setup might offer a more robust solution for maintaining airfoil shape and stability, reducing parasitic drag, and enhancing overall aerodynamic performance.

These concepts aim to improve the efficiency and performance of tiny-packable hang gliders by providing structural support and optimizing the aerodynamic profile. The proposed solutions highlight the potential of using innovative design elements to enhance traditional hang glider structures.
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:16 am

New Developments for Tiny-Packable Hang Gliders
Date: July 10, 2024

Subject: Innovative Fabric Sleeves for Spar Segments

We are excited to share a new development in the design and transport of tiny-packable hang gliders. The introduction of fabric sleeves for holding hook ribbons on spar segments offers enhanced portability and ease of assembly. Here are the key details:

Fabric Sleeves for Spar Segments:

Segmental Placement:

Description: Fabric sleeves that hold hook ribbons can be placed segmentally on the spar segments, both leading edge (LE) and trailing edge (TE) spars.
Configuration: For telescopic segments, there could be three sleeves on the LE spar and three on the TE spar. For quad-tele segments, there would be four sleeves on each spar segment. The sail edges would be "loop" material. Firm the hook and loop scene.

Transport and Storage:
Toting Options: The special sleeves can be transported in various ways. The sleeve for the largest spar segment might stay on the segment for easy carrying. If the keel telescopes are the largest and nested over the largest spar tube, the sleeve might be on the keel tube instead. Or all such sleeves could be tightly packed fully separate from spar-segment pack.
Nesting Telescopic Segments: This sleeve design allows the telescopic spar segments to remain easily transportable in a nested format. Generally the sleeves come off the spar segments for packing away for transport, toting, carting, carrying ...

Sail Attachment:
Options: Left and right sails might use zippers, loop strings, or hook-and-loop (HnL) fasteners for attachment. The segments of spar sleeves that hold the "hook" ribbon may well allow attaching the sail when the sail has an edge of "loop" material allowing the HnL to set the sail. A sail with LE and TE of loop material would allow dressing the assemble HG frame after all the upper and lower rigging lines are firmed.

Compact Storage:
Folding and Packing: The sleeves can be folded into very small packs and stored in ditty bags. Alternatively, the sleeves could be used to bind the spar pack, ensuring everything remains compact and easy to carry.

This new sleeve scheme not only enhances the transportability of tiny-packable hang gliders but also simplifies the assembly process, making it more convenient for enthusiasts to enjoy their flights. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with these innovative sleeves! This hook-saturated spar-segment sleeve scheme resulted from wanting to avoid using a myriad of jacket zippers to assemble the sail segments for a SS-upper-and-lower line-rigged HG. While assembling the frame put on the special sleeves. Once frame is firmed, then dress the frame with a zipper-less sail. The sail may have a spanwise section in it that is elastic.

I will be making a SS TPHG soon using such hook-saturated spar-segment sleeves.
LoopSailElasticLoop001.jpg (7.12 KiB) Viewed 301 times

Having the special segmented hook-saturated spar sleeves separate from the SS sail complex may have several advantages. One advantage might be the ease of altering the size of the sail with nips and tucks or changeouts. The first asset involves the assembly process: frame up and then dress the frame. Look for other potential benefits regarding this aspect.
Last edited by JoeF on Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The 5 ft-or-less-packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:30 pm

Florian, in this forum there has been some fun thinking about parallels of hang gliding and other matters. Here is a bit of attention that may rub your world:

Here are some expressions that draw parallels between a hang glider and a firearm, focusing on themes of precision, control, and the blend of art and engineering:

Precision Instruments:
"Both a hang glider and a firearm are precision instruments, requiring exact calibration and skillful handling to achieve their purpose."

Controlled Power:
"A hang glider soars through the skies with controlled power, just as a firearm delivers its force with precision and accuracy."

Engineering Marvels:
"Hang gliders and firearms are marvels of engineering, each designed to harness and direct energy efficiently, whether it's to ride the wind or propel a bullet."

Mastery of Mechanics:
"Mastering a hang glider is akin to mastering a firearm; both demand a deep understanding of mechanics and a steady hand to navigate the forces at play."

Freedom and Precision:
"While a hang glider embodies the freedom of the open skies, a firearm represents the precision of a well-aimed shot—both pursuits blend technical skill with an element of artistry."

Dynamic Balance:
"In both hang gliding and shooting, balance is key. The hang glider relies on the balance of aerodynamic forces, just as the firearm depends on the balance of recoil and aim."

Harnessing Natural Forces:
"Hang gliders harness the natural forces of wind and gravity, much like firearms harness the explosive force of gunpowder, both translating raw power into controlled action."

Thrill of Mastery:
"The thrill of mastering a hang glider, navigating the currents of the air, parallels the satisfaction of mastering a firearm, where each shot is a testament to precision and control."

Risk and Reward:
"Both hang gliding and shooting carry inherent risks, but with skill and respect for their power, they offer immense rewards and a unique sense of achievement."

Symbiosis of Man and Machine:
"A hang glider represents the symbiosis of man and machine soaring through the sky, much like a firearm is an extension of the shooter's intent and precision."

These expressions highlight the common themes of precision, control, and the blend of art and science in both hang gliding and firearms, creating vivid parallels between the two. Many other parallels or common themes are possible!

My guess is that your enthusiasm over the 4.6 ft TPHG or the like will bring to the surface nuances that will further the present movement. :idea: :!: :idea: :!: :salute:
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:53 pm

JoeF wrote:The first asset involves the assembly process: frame up and then dress the frame.

That is exactly the key point ! ;)

I'm also trying to make a new frame without crossbar nor bowsprit. First fly a small slope, then see.

Blueprints are at the machinist shop, delivery planed for middle of August, anodysing and go to make the sail at the end of August-September.

PS : It look like you are drawing with PAINT... Me too ! :lol:
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Re: The 5 ft-packed-HG Movement

Postby Semper Fidelis » Wed Jul 10, 2024 3:44 pm

I'm not going to comment this part yet, but it might be interresting to see your comments :wave:

Moderator's Note: In a subsequent post on July 11, 2024 at 1:50pm, Semper Fidelis wrote:

"Sorry, at passed midnight for me yesterday, I've made a mistake, please forgive me.
(if it is possible to delete my previous posted picture, thank you)".

The U.S. Hawks forum attempts to maintain a balance between a poster's individual desires
and the preservation of history and context. In this case, the picture does provide some
context for other contemporaneous posts. It is preserved here for that purpose.
Key part of the TPHG 4.6
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Tiny-Packed-HG Movement

Postby JoeF » Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:06 pm

PartKUGS001.jpg (121.96 KiB) Viewed 289 times


Bob Kuczewski's offer of the Alpha 210 and hacksaw was a doable TPHG 4 or 4.5 or 5 solution that would have been a heavy-for-my-choices event; but the project still might tempt someone.

Could KUGS' teased part be a __________ :?: :idea: ___________ :?: :?: :?:
????: deflexing support in a non-bowsprit-non-crossbar solution??
????: Bracket to support airfoil-forming line??

Comments by Florian indicate to me a strong bent to accept a final mass that for my aims might be a no-go for happy bus-and-hike. The volume of a toted solution could be large or small or tiny; length of "in-car" solutions and happy-polite-safe-busing solutions may well be close, but the handling could be quite different. The total mass of an "in-car" solution could be quite different from a hiked-city-bus-polite-safe-to-be-in-bus-crunch solution. Many types of solutions form the openness of this topic thread.
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