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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:13 pm

I really do think about if and when that I will Fly again? I mean just how Many; {BRAIN DEAD PILOTS} have any of You come accross? Look at a Pilot like Micky: He lost a Leg. Yet He adapted. He continued to Fly. But the way I see it, being Brain Dead takes such words as: Adapting, and Overcoming to a whole new level,
Yes I did so severely Pound Fourteen Years ago. that pounding resulted in My near lifeless Body needing to be carted off to the Hospital. i spent three Months in a Coma. But no more of this depressing talk about My Flying. For the Day is coming when John and I will do just like He and I did so many Times in the Past. Yes, I am so eager to Fly. I hope to post Footage taken upon My first Flight in 14 Long Years!
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:58 am

So, so Brain impaired:

So here it is a what most People would call a Nice-looking Sky. I on the other hand. I look up at a largely Cloudless Sky. I think; Yes, I think. Believe Me when I say things such as {I Think}. I Think meaning that as always, my thoughts are regarding Flying. I look up at the Sky, the Big Blue sky. I think that if I were to Fly Today, to Fly XC. I would be experiencing a tough time locating thermals, without having Nice Puffy Cumi nimbus Clouds with Dark Flat Bottoms which as We all know are visual indicators of Thermal Activity. I will never know what the Flying will be like today, except that is if I am able to read some Sonoma County Pilots Post write Up.

Even though when it was happening. When I was Flying an XC Route, getting so low. So low as to I really should have been having finale thoughts as to where I was to set My Predator Down. I really should have Committed to initiating A DBF. But My Trusty Vario would Beep a few Times. I would immediately Turn toward the side of My Predator that rose a little. I would be rewarded with the sound of My Vario going Beep, Beep, Beep. I would think to Myself as heck so many of You think when You hook an elusive thermal thus rising again, hopefully all the way to Cloud Base.

OK to all of You Pilots here on the Hawks Web - Site. No Matter Where You Fly. It maybe that You launch and Fly at the Coast. You Might launch from a Mountain then Fly an X - C Route, or maybe some Training Hill. It in My Mind it matters not where the Air You are Flying in. But isn't Flying Reat!


Good By Chris McKeon.
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:59 am

So here I am up here in Cazadero. I am waiting for My Friend John to call Me and ask Me: How about say next Weekend that I drive up. Then You and I can go find a Training Hill where You can Fly?

I am so looking toward to receiving a Call like that from John.

Me Brain Dead? Hardley. But Lord knows that I have been worse. I so hope that when John sees Me Set Up, do a Pre-Flight, then launch His North Wing T-Two and Fly. I am really looking Forward to regaining My Wings. Yes, after 14 Years, this Phoenix Predator Pilot is going to Fly. Yea Baby! ... g%20stones ... g%20stones
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:50 pm


So ever since I pounded Fourteen Years ago. My efforts, my focus, and My Drive has to be a Fully recovered post-Pounded Predator Pilot. I understand that for many of the other Pilots who I have yet to Meet. My posting My thoughts may seem like a Boyher to some of You. But being able to Convey My Thoughts regarding My being able to Fly again, this means a lot to Me. Yes, I am able to stay in a very, very limited way, I can stay connected to what I so Dearly Love: {FREE - Flight. ... g%20stones

to Flying/
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:36 pm

So, being that I am in a position where I will have to Demonstrate that I must show that I am still a competent Pilot who can still competently Fly My Predator. What I say, and what I ask is, who would be a better choice than John to observe me in Fourteen plus Years than John? I fully realize that there is one Pilot who takes such offense when it is implied that Flying a Hang glider is a {Skill Set}. But nevertheless, flying a HG is a Skill. I look at Myself. I must be honest with Myself. OK 14 Years ago I so Severely Pounded My Predator. That My attending Doctor's Prognosis's was that I would not survive. I do not know about anyone Elsee. But I know of not a single Dead Pilot who Flys. I had, and I still have no intention of becoming a Dead Pilot.

of no Dead Pilots that Flew after they Died
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:44 pm

I want to apologize for errors regarding Previous Composition in My previous Text Message. So sorry I am having trouble.
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:49 am

OK I am having some trouble with My Computer. I lost My Logg - In for My E-Mail. So, if anyone is Savy regarding Computers and could Help Me to rectify my situation. Would You Please call My Cellphone and leave a Message that includes Your Phone Number? I will call You back upon My checking My Messages. Thanks a Lot Chris McKeon
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:36 pm

I just watched the Video that I came accross that showed an Archaeopteryx Glider being Flown. All I can say is I approve! I would love to Fly One. 925-497-1059.
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:28 pm

I have watched this Video a few times. I tell You watching this Foot Launched Sailplane Fly has Me Motivated, Motivated to Fly One! I also feel that this Video Qualifies as: Pilot Porn. Too Cool. 925-498-1059. ... ORM=DEPNAV
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Re: Brain Dead?

Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:01 pm


I have a Question: My putting My Phone number here on this Website. Have I set Myself up for: Heck I do mot know what to Fear. But in this Day and age Who Knows? Please lend Me Your thoughts.
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