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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:31 pm


I mean I look at My Flying. I have been Flying a Hang Glider that My Friend John Designed with the intent of the Predator being a Glider that would be a looping Glider. Yet even though I bought and Flew My 158 Predator. I have never gone straight over the Top. In fact, the steepest I have completed a Wingover is around 150 Degrees, possibly a 170 Degrees.

So, when I am Flying My predator again. I will be listening intently, to ever word that John tells Me. Yes, with John, I will be in Flight School.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:34 pm


So one of the ways that I try to defeat this condition of Spasticity that runs down the Left side of My Body is to play My guitar. Yes, I have found that by Playing My Gibson Sg Guitar. I have been able to rid some of the negative effects that My Body incurred due to My Last Flight. So, what I am asking You Guys is this: I imagine that some of You Pilots also Play Guitar. Can someone recommend a Device that enable Me to Play My SG, while I will be able to hear My electric Guitar through a set of headphones?

My Playing Today. I am Playing My SG at least as well as I did before I Pounded. I never did Play that Well. But at least I am somewhat working My way through recovering from when I pounded. Well, so i anyone has a recommendation. I am all Ears. Thanks Chris McKeon.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:01 pm


I host the Code so that I can access My E-Mail. Would someone with knowledge regarding computers please call Me? 925-497-1059.

Thanks Chris McKeon Get High and Go Far. Thanks.

Good bye, Get high and Go Far!
Chris McKeon
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:57 am


Well, last night I hd a Dream, a Flying Dream at that. I Dermot that I experience My first Flight since when I pounded Fourteen Years ago. John was naturally there with Me. Well for My grand event so that I could once again be where I truly belong, the Sky is where I belong. Yes, in My Dream I made a Jailbreak! So even though I flew off a Training Hill in My Dream. I soon found that all too familiar experience. I flew through the edge of a strong thermal. Being that My Left wing lifted, I put the Glider into a Left Turn. Soon I found Myself climbing, I climbed up to Cloud base. There i was up around 4,000. Feet. So, I headed off Downwind, it was time to take the First XC Flight that I have Had in Fourteen Years! In MY Dream, I never did land. I just kept Flying. it worked well in My Dream. i never did land.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:16 am

{Practice Makes PREDATOR}

This Sunday: October it is the Thirteenth of October. I am sitting here at My Desk where My Computer Sits. I am typing away once again. Yes, I am going to do a little Babbling regarding Flying. In My Head I can Fly again. But I need to consider that fact that My Body Might not be able to cooperate with My Desire to Launch and Fly a HG. I feel that I will do Well Flying. But How a Person "feels" about Flying is why We must pay attention to how We feel on a given day. It is the Physical reality of the Act of Flying. I mean were I to noy Hook-In, experience a Mid-Air, ore a Mirya'd of other causes of an incident where My Body Hits the Ground harder than a Body has a rite to. Heck, I Myself have done that. in March twenty-eight Two thousand Ten. I Pounded into the Ground so extremely hard. Yes, after Twenty Years of pretty Much no Problems regarding My Flying, I did a Pound for the Ages!

I have been practicing My: Walk, Jog, Run routine. I am going to work on putting together a Base-Tube, and Down-Tubes so that I will have at least Control frame of sorts to hold onto as I practice My Launches.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:34 pm


I fully realize that Many of You who have read My posts, have said to Yourselves: "Who is this, Guy? Well, I am a Guy who one March Sunday Fourteen Years ago had a Flight that during My Landing, took a Major Turn for the Worse. But the way I see it, there is hope. For I am bond and Determined to Fly again. I am looking at having My Greatest Flight ever this Month. It's has been and will continue to be a so Long a Time for Me to get back to Cloud base. But I am in it for the Long Haul. Well, I think that I will do some Push-Ups. Push-Ups are another thing, just like Flying. Push-Ups were a No Go For so long a time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:15 pm

In My Way: I am on the Edge of My Seat thinking about: With Eager anticipation regarding My Hopefully My First Flight in Fourteen Years. Look I know that I experienced a Severe Brain Injury. I am also aware that: One does not think of having a Brain Injury. For Once One is Brain Injured, He is always Brain injured. But I tend to really gravitate to things a few Doctors Have Said regarding My Condition. Like what Doctor Robert A Doctor said regarding the thought, or Idea that I would ever Fly again. Doctor Robert said: "I do not think that Chris is: "One and Done". YES, I did like the sound of what Doctor Robert had said.

The More that I do, the better that I get. Both physically and mentally.

I am so looking Forward to heading down South someday. There are a few H-G Launches that I want to Launch My Predator From.
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Postby dhmartens » Wed Oct 16, 2024 10:14 pm

I was in Phoenix in 1975 and saw the first Jaws movie so it is easy to remember the place and time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Oct 17, 2024 8:59 am


So, I will after I get off the computer, I will get down upon the living room Floor. It is here in the living room where I do My Push-Ups. {PUSH OPS, FORM< AMD FUNCTION}. I try to keep My Back as straight as possible. By doing My Push-Ups using good Form. I am rewarded with being able to do More Reps as Days pass By. My Goal is complete a Hundred Push-Ups.

I am as is sai: I am a: {WORK IN PROGRESS} .
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Postby Chris McKeon » Thu Oct 17, 2024 9:54 pm

I have something that I want to talk to John about. Well, there is this one thing, among numerous other subjects that I want to inquire about I want to hear what John has to say about the possibillity of Short - Packing My Predator. I mean Who would be better to ask? I have done My share while Flying Cross Country, that I had to Cross long stretches of No - Mans Land Because The Cloud Street up in the Sky Dictated My Route. I never had to Land - Out because I sunk Out Miles from the Nearest road. But the Way, I saw it. It was only a Matter of when, on which XC Flight, that I would have to Hike My Predator a Mile, or Two, or Ten in order to get to the nearest Road. I MEAN conditions are a variable. One that none of us can truly Predict. Granted the Predator Due to the Work that John and Dick-C dd in developing the Predator far exceeded Their expectations.

So possibly with the possibility pf being able to Short - Pack My Predator I could be Flying an XC route over the High Desert of Nevada. I could be Flying getting Low. But when I was so low that I needed to scan around for determining the Wind Direction, thinking about where I would land My Predator. The Thought of My having to Pack My Predator say Five Miles to the nearest road, would not seem so Daunting.

MESSAGE FOR JOHN: John, I have had so much time to think about Flying since I Pounded. But as I continue to get closer and Closer to being a Hundred Percent Recovered. I think that it will not be that I Weigh Less than Two Hundred Pounds. It will be How much less than Two Hundred Pounds that I will Weigh.

John as You know, I have Flown My 158 Predator while Hooking in at 340 Pounds. You will need to bring Me Up to Speed, give Me Some Idea as to how My Predator will feel while I am Flying.

NEW EXPERIENCES: Flying My now {STIFF GLIDER| It is going to be some kind of an experience. I never imagined that I would ever be {Lite] on My Predator
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