Plaque(s) at Dockweiler

Honoring the rich history and bright future of gliding at Dockweiler Beach

Plaque(s) at Dockweiler

Postby JoeF » Thu Oct 31, 2024 8:33 am

Plaque at Dockweiler was stolen
Eric formed an image:

This past weekend, I learned the hang gliding historical marker was
stolen from Dockweiler State Beach. Figuring no one may have the
original design from 24 years ago, I replicated a new one, based upon
image at

The graphic attached is a vector-based PDF file, which means it can be
scaled up or down to any size and still look really nice. I was thinking
if the marker was replaced with a printed metal sign, it would be far
more affordable, and far less likely to be stolen again. I know places
like, or can print a 24"x24"
aluminum sign, for around $100. I'm not sure of the exact dimensions of
the original sign, but that should be a simple measurement on the pedestal.

Hope this helps and allows the sign to be restored quickly and economically.

Eric Muss-Barnes

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Re: Plaque(s) at Dockweiler

Postby dhmartens » Thu Oct 31, 2024 8:29 pm

For years people have been trying to steal the BMW badges from my BMW. BMW expects this and sells replacements for between $3 and $15, this is a marketing expense and helps promote the vehicle. The replacement plaques should sell advertising space to help defer costs. Yes I renewed my UShpa membership, notice I had to check a box that said if I haven't flown in a while I should contact a flightschool to help with reorientation.
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