Rule number # 1: Never plan a flying trip two weeks in advance. Always be ready to start out in one days time.
I left the house in Las Cruces, NM and went 280 miles north to Santa Fe, NM on Monday July 15, 2013 about a five hour trip.
In Santa Fe at just under 7,000’ msl I could get out and walk each day whereas It had been one hundred degrees or more for weeks on end in Las Cruces.
On the seventh day, Monday, July 22, 2013, I started on the 450 mile trip to Mingus Mountain, AZ to link up with John “Ole” (really Quinn) Olson.
My first nights sleep did not go well at 7,800’msl combined with a touch of central sleep apnea sprinkled with a mild dose of obstructive sleep apnea.
Completely un-refreshed the next morning and due to cloud base being at launch elevation Ole and the only other pilot Paul Evander drove off to Prescott and Cottonwood leaving me to stumble around in the fog “In a fog.”
Ole returned at 18:30 we each made supper and watched a DVD on the laptop on the picnic table.
The second night was another bad night for me.
Ole launch just of head of the over development at two minutes after noon. He broke the horizon once but plummeted shortly after making me think that the wind was slightly over the back. Ole had a short flight to the Cottonwood Airport. A new H2 pilot, Rod, brought Ole back up to launch. It sprinkled on us and later thundered and rained.
Local pilot Kriss Thomsen (I think that’s right!) showed up but did not fly.
Four other pilots arrived, Rick, Joe, Sean, Andy and dog Charlie. Paul Evander returned but only two launched and Ole missed the short launch window. As the earlier pilots Rick and Sean took off I could hear thunder to the north.
It rained on us again.
Our local forecast was for wetter and stronger winds over the back.
With yet a third night of poor sleep
I decided that I was not a happy camper and decided to break camp and go home. It rained on me before I was all packed up.
At least it wasn’t too hot on Mingus Mountain. With this weather pattern the flying wasn’t that hot either.
500.3 miles from Mingus to Las Cruces. Eight and a half hours drive.
Oh, well--If you don’t try you don’t fly. (And sometimes when you TRY you don’t fly.)