billcummings wrote:Thanks to Margie this subterfuge is not going unnoticed by us, the remote viewers, that don’t have the time to watch a whole council meeting at far off San Diego.
Ditto. Margie takes her time every week to download and sift through a few hours of video so she can pull out and post the 3 minutes related to our sport. Big thanks to Margie!!
billcummings wrote:Even I was squirming and embarrassed during the awkward moment of silence.
Me too!! I was doing my best to follow your advice, but it was awkward
for me to stand there in silence. I held it for as long as I could trying to remember the advice of my speaking coach (that would be you, Bill).
billcummings wrote:It looks like the cameraman’s repetitive need for reminders to focus on your slides every single time you are at the podium is an effort to strip time from your three minutes allowable. (Few slides were shown yet again. 4 out of 6?)
Actually, it was 4 out of 13 (including my intro). You can see me raising my arm with the remote control to advance each slide (that's probably a left-over habit from television remotes because I think the council use a radio-frequency control rather than a "line of sight" infrared control ... so I really don't need to point). But you're right that I should not have to use my time admonishing the cameraman (a paid city employee) to show my slides. But there was another break-through during this presentation. I've noticed that the City uses a fairly large "footer" banner which covers up a good portion of my slides. I've seen other cases (when the City presents, for example) where they don't add that footer so the entire slide can be seen. It turns out that in this case, they did drop the footer for a bit, which proves that it is discretionary, and that's now something else that I can - and will - request.
billcummings wrote:I don’t think anyone in the audience failed to notice the moment that you focused attention on Sherri for her poor work performance. (Even I was squirming and embarrassed during the awkward moment of silence.)
(Good job Bob. I‘m still tittering with a smile on my face.)
Thanks Bill. That was due to your good coaching!! And thanks especially for your post. The City leaders would like to portray all public speakers as "lone kooks" to discredit them. When you watch the council and take the time to post, you're letting people know that you're watching and you're seeing what they're doing. That's what makes them more nervous than my speech to an empty auditorium.
Bill, your coaching suggestions are super. If you have any more suggestions, please post or send them personally as you find appropriate.