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Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:41 pm

Matt Hayes received a call from the City of Alamogordo, NM.

The metal shade structure south of the new road at the LZ has to be moved.

Matt Hayes, Robin Hastings, Mike Ellsworth and I are of the opinion that we don’t want the RGSA to have the expense of relocating it. (I have called Dave Church and he is of the same mind with us.)
We have a week to notify the City what our wishes are concerning the shade structure. We can’t hold over the decision until our next Club meeting.

So far the plan is to have Matt tell the City to do what they will with it.

Relocating could cost us upward of a thousand dollars and we are not interested in taking on that expense.

Matt will also ask the City Engineer if he could plan for any signage or poles to be east and west of the LZ so as to not have landing obstructions in case a pilot lands long.

If members have different thoughts about what should be done with the shade structure Call Matt Hayes, the RGSA Club President, before next week.
Bill C.
PS I just left a message on Hadley’s phone and as I type Matt is talking with Lee Boone.
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Re: RGSA CLUB NEWS Up date 12-14-13

Postby Bill Cummings » Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:44 pm

I’m a day late getting this information out. Sorry.
Mike E. gave me a call and through a contact he was told that a City of Alamogordo Recreation Department worker has said that our wind sock may also have to be moved as well as the earlier mentioned shade structure.
Mike was also told that gravel has been spread on the dirt road that starts at the newly paved road and that runs north to the old RC shade structure that we are currently using. The City also spread gravel on the two east/west and north/south roads that bracket the landing zone (LZ). They are once again watering the grass on the LZ.
I made contact with RGSA President Matt Hayes to pass on this information and also to suggest that we ask the City if it would be possible to locate all signage necessary along the paved road east and west of the LZ to limit obstacles in the event a pilot lands long.

If nothing has been lost in this extended phone tree conversation I think the reason the old shade structure has to be removed is for a right turn lane to eventually access Pecan Street. That street being the old way into the LZ.

As of yesterday the consensus still is that we are abandoning all interest in the old shade structure to not incur moving expenses. We are not in the “Red,” now and we don’t want to go there.
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Postby Bill Cummings » Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:54 pm

After talking with Robin today about setting up tow operations on the drought dry Rio Grande River bottom I stopped into the Office of the State Engineer, Interstate Stream Commission
District IV - Las Cruces
(Lower Rio Grande, Tularosa, Hueco, Las Animas Creek, Hot Springs and Salt underground water basins and basin surface rights)
1680 Hickory Loop - Suite J, Las Cruces, NM 88005-6598 (575) 524-6161.

They gave me a number to contact at the, International Boundary & Water Commission. (830) 775- 2437.

I was trying to get copies of statutes, rules, laws, ordinances, directives, edicts,
decrees and Divine will. --- Next I’ll touch base with the Friends of the Earth, Isaac Walton League of America, The Nature Conservancy, The National Wildlife Federation, The National Resources Defense Council, Greenpeace,
elephant butte irrigation district --to touch on a few for today. Tomorrow I’ll have to really buckle down and get serious. There are some really concerned people that have worries about the Desert Toad and some River Bottom Sand Snails that are stressing during our serious drought. The Silvery Minnow problem seems to have evaporated.

Normally a pilot could just set up and tow but this Federal Water Way starts in Colorado, runs through New Mexico then Texas and Mexico. Everyone has their finger in this pie with the exception (so far) of the, Rainforest Action Network.

Since we will not be doing this for profit my hope is that we will not have the long slough through an Environmental Impact Statement.
I should have all this finished by the end of business tomorrow with any permits in hand. I can’t foresee any roadblocks here.
What could possibly go wrong? 8-)
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Postby MattHayes » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:33 am

I made the call today in relation to the shade structure. It is now the City of Alamogordos and they will dispose of it accordingly. I also have a call into the parks and Rec (Rory) to find out what they need us to do with the wind sock. I will keep you all informed of any news I receive.
~Matt Hayes~
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Re: RGSA CLUB NEWS Rio towing

Postby Bill Cummings » Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:52 pm

Well I have some surprising news. My most important call to the IBWC for answers from the Feds., about laws prohibiting driving on the dry riverbed of the Rio Grande River for towing operations was fruitless.
I share in your amazement!
Not only was I not able to make contact with a voice coming from real time living tissue, it notified me that there were no operators available and that the mail box was full. The disembodied voice prompted me to, try again later and then ended the call after saying, “Thank you!”
Are you kidding me? :twisted:
I’m supposed to feel all warm, fuzzy and important from a prerecorded voice from someone that didn’t even know if they woul ------- DON‘T GET ME STARTED!
I’ll try again tomorrow.
All the operators must be out in the dry riverbed turning over rocks searching for the river.
What else could they be doing with their time while overseeing a river that isn’t? :wtf:
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Re: RGSA CLUB NEWS Rio towing

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:35 am

billcummings wrote:I’m supposed to feel all warm, fuzzy and important from a prerecorded voice from someone that didn’t even know if they woul ------- DON‘T GET ME STARTED!

OK, OK. Don't get started!!!        :srofl:
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Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:25 pm

RGSA pilots and drivers,
Check out our fearless Safety Officer Robin Hastings setting up and flying at the Magdalena Rim yesterday on the “Flying Possibilities” thread.

I was wondering about our January RGSA Club meeting day and time.
Anyone have information about the meeting?

One thing for the agenda would be me asking for support to move our forum to the US Hawks Hang Gliding Association. I’m done with yahoo groups.
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Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:34 pm

Mike Ellsworth called and was wondering about Mag Rim this coming weekend.
I also suggested that we hold our Club’s January meeting this coming weekend.
Mike was willing to come all the way to the Mag., Rim for camping.
I offered up my place for him to crash (sleep) at. We could also have the meeting at my house.
A call from Robin revealed that the long range forecast might not be good for Mag and it might be good for La Luz, NM. So the weather will be planning where we fly this weekend -- so what’s new?

Hadley can’t be here if we have the meeting this weekend. But I’m going to be unavailable for the following weekend most likely.
Mike’s construction job could have him working on weekends sometimes but he said he will have this next weekend off. Robin has this coming weekend off too.
Lee Boone says Saturday is good for him at Alamogordo.
Matt I think is off this weekend if I heard Robin correctly.
With Hadley gone we could vote him in again as Secretary. I once got the Editor job by being out of town on meeting night. (HE HE HE HE!) We may have to wait for Hadley. So meeting or not? Flying or not? Site here or site there?
Someone make up my mind for me.
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:19 am

Hi Bill,

Please let me know as soon as possible whether you're going to hold a meeting this weekend or not. I'm considering the long drive to come out there in person so I can answer questions at the meeting. Unfortunately, this weekend is also our "Second Sunday" fly-in for the Torrey Hawks, but I think the RGSA's acceptance of the US Hawks would do more to help the Torrey Hawks than anything I could do at our monthly fly-in. So please let me know as soon as possible so I can make plans.

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Postby Bill Cummings » Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:51 pm

RGSA and Hawks,
It is looking like our January club meeting will not be this weekend. I still haven’t heard just when it will be.

But next up go click on Flying Possibilities.
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Bill Cummings
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