How do I post a picture?

Club forum for the Shasta Sky Sailors / Shasta Hawks

How do I post a picture?

Postby BigBird » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:56 am

Just curious about posting pictures on our Shasta Hawks forum?
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:00 pm

Hi BigBird,

You go to the "Upload attachement" tab near the bottom of the page when you're posting. Click on that tab, then you can click on the "Browse" button next to the "Filename" box. That will bring up some kind of file navigator on your local file system. Use that to locate the file you want to upload and press "OK" (or similar). Then you'll see that file name in the "Filename" box. You then press the "Add the file" button to the right of the "Browse" button. You can add more pictures if you like by repeating those steps.

Now if you stop there, your pictures will all be at the bottom of your post. But you can also take a few more steps to interleave them with the text like this:

P0035_png.jpg (60.88 KiB) Viewed 11706 times

You can do that by placing your cursor where you'd like the picture to go, and then press the "Place inline" button under the picture that you want to put there. That will insert a code that looks like "[attachment=0]P0035.jpg[/attachment]". That's where your picture will be in the text, and it will look like the one I've inserted above.

Does that help? If not, please give me a call and I'll be happy to help walk you through it (858-204-7499).
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby BigBird » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:34 pm

Thanks, Bob.

Here's what I wanted to upload, a screenshot from this morning while on the USHawks forum. I've never seen 'bots' listed as visitors ;)
HawksBot.jpg (13.8 KiB) Viewed 11705 times
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby BigBird » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:37 pm

BTW, here's what was deleted over on the HGorg...
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:09 pm

BigBird wrote:BTW, here's what was deleted over on the HGorg...

If I'm interpreting that correctly, it sounds like you posted a link to your club's forum as:

and the forum (run by Jack Axaopoulos alias "sg") automatically changed it to:

Is that correct? WOW!!!      :shock:

So what happened when you tried to post this:


Did you get banned for life for daring such a thing?
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby BigBird » Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:32 pm

Yes, it was automatically changed to l********.org. I went in and edited the post to replace the (.) with dot. That's when the PMs started warning me not to post anything to do with USHawks and the entire post was removed.


bobk wrote:
BigBird wrote:BTW, here's what was deleted over on the HGorg...

If I'm interpreting that correctly, it sounds like you posted a link to your club's forum as:

and the forum (run by Jack Axaopoulos alias "sg") automatically changed it to:

Is that correct? WOW!!!      :shock:

So what happened when you tried to post this:


Did you get banned for life for daring such a thing?
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Re: How do I post a picture?

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:08 pm

BigBird wrote:Yes, it was automatically changed to l********.org. I went in and edited the post to replace the (.) with dot. That's when the PMs started warning me not to post anything to do with USHawks and the entire post was removed.


That's the censorship that's going on at Here's why it's done...

If you enter the phrase "hang gliding association" into Google, the US Hawks comes up on the first page (often second right after USHPA). But if you enter just "hang gliding", then you might have to go to page 10 of the search results to find the US Hawks.

That's a result of Jack's lockdown of any posts regarding the US Hawks. Part of Google's logic is that if an important site for a certain set of keywords doesn't refer to another site, then that second site must NOT be important. Jack's is highly ranked by Google. So if he can keep any links to the US Hawks from appearing on his site, then Google will rank the US Hawks as relatively unimportant when searching for "hang gliding". That's the somewhat anti-competitive nature of some search engine logic.

Now Jack's site is NOT highly ranked for the key phrase "hang gliding association", so his lack of a link to the US Hawks doesn't hurt us, and that's why we end up as number 2 behind USHPA. But he definately doesn't want us highly ranked with regard to "hang gliding", and that's why his software will automatically mutilate any links to our site.

It's hard to get the word out to pilots that this is happening because Jack can also automatically filter and even read all of your PMs ("Personal Messages") on his forum. So if you were to start sending PM's to other pilots on letting them know about the US Hawks, you would find yourself banned very quickly.

I'm glad you got to see a first-hand demonstration of how tightly Jack controls what goes on at his site. That's what we've been up against for over 4 years now, and that's part of the reason that we're so small. All of the pilots are essentially behind Jack's "iron curtain", and they're not even allowed to see or mention any alternative. How can that be good for the sport of hang gliding when we're in such desperate need of open communication to save our sites, our clubs, and our sport?

Thanks for landing the Shasta Sky Sailors here on the US Hawks!!!      :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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