Torrey Pines Meet 1960 ... pr_04.html ... pr_05.htmlLloyd Licher, who played administrative role in the sixth phase of HG renaissance
participated in the Torrey Pines Meet of 1960.
Phases of Renaissance? Phase One: Waldo Waterman, Volmer Jensen
Phase Two: Rogallo and NASA,
John Worth (Exhibit the equivalent of an echo of W. Simon's triangle control frame for hang gliders)
Phase Three: Prentice,
Thomas Purcell, Jr.; Palmer, James Hobson; Richard Miller; Klaus Hill: Hall; Bruce Carmichael, Irv Culver, Faust, KITESA,
Phase Four: Self-Soar Association;
Low & Slow, Mike Burns, Dickenson boat towing, Moyes mountain ski launch, Bennett commerce, Broyles, Kilbourne plans, Riggs, etc.
Phase Five: Otto Meet: Frank Colver, Jack Lambie,
Taras Kiceniuk, Jr. and team Mike Koman, and others. Then Eipper for grass-roots commerce. Plans seeding the world via Popular Science, etc.
Phase Six: Licher administrative folding from S.S.A. over S-SA (Soaring Society of America faces Self-Soar Association challenges)
Phase Seven: Roy Haggard, etc. ... march of wings
Phase Eight:
Getting PG-confused Phase Nine: US Hawks ... getting
unconfused Seeing PG as soaring parachutes with PDMC challenge. Distinctions and appreciation of safe airframe basics are highlighted.
Phase Ten: Hang Gliding Diamond Age ... coming. After the renaissance gets
unconfused, there will be a flowering of wings and activities from quality wing running to busable packed airframed hang gliders; a spectrum of hang gliders fitting niche interests will show and advance. Citizens glide nearly as they walk and run ... in Federal airspace.