Has anyone designed one? That can be built for a few hundred bucks for puddle jumping? Plans anywhere?
That's what keeps me out of the sport. I can't find used hang gliders anywhere on craigslist (in the southeast - we lack ridge lift, beaches, and mountains), and for what they are, they seem obscenely expensive...
Some guys try at home. It seems like the hang glider crowd that actually has experience in hang gliding could design something safer... or have... from way back when... to build at home.... for running off a grassy hill and floating for a few hundred feet. Something more steerable than a Hang Loose, or non-weight shift rogollo that will get you hurt (that's what I told this guy below, he needs to add weight shift to his build):
Not a million different designs, just one, the absolute simplest design, that could be made out of commonly available materials, is easy to build, cheap to build, straight forward to build for the average garage mechanic, has very forgiving flight and stall characteristics, and is easy to control.
Something must of come out of that big hang glider ridge lift beach boom in the 70's.... that would fit the bill.
I myself prefer restoring vs. building for scratch - in that case, where could I find my first used, cheap as dirt almost free 70's hang glider out of someone's garage? It doesn't need to be high performance, just something to start with, to get my feet off the ground that could be run off a hill or towed behind a motorboat or flown in a head wind. Is there a good place I don't know of where they are listed for sale?