Bob Kuczewski

2013 Platform

2013 Statement

2012 Platform

2012 Statement

2010 Statement

2008 Statement

Bob Kuczewski's 2013 Region 3 Candidate Statement (September 8th, 2013):

My name is Bob Kuczewski, and I am running for Regional Director because I want to return control of USHPA to the pilots.

A former USHPA insider once told me that USHPA was a "Regional Director's Club" paid for by the members. I think that's been true. Too many of our Directors have conflicts of interest and are only Directors so they can manipulate USHPA for their own benefit. Rob Sporrer fits that description, and he should be replaced. That's why I am asking for your vote and that's why I'm also endorsing Alan Crouse (you get to choose 2 directors on your ballot).

I could give many examples where Rob Sporrer has put his own interests ahead of the interests of our members, but I'd like to focus on the most important one: Open Voting Records for Regional Directors.

The basic principle of representational government is that we (the people) vote for representatives, and then we watch over their shoulders to see what they do. If we like what they do, then we re-elect them. If we don't, then we fire them. It's that simple. But that only works if we can SEE what they're doing. In USHPA, that means seeing exactly how our elected Directors vote on the USHPA Board. That's when they make the decisions that the rest of us have to live with. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate publish voting records going back 20 years or more ( see and ). Why won't USHPA do the same?

In 2009 and 2010, I pushed for an "Accountability Amendment" which would have opened up the voting records on the USHPA Board. Rob Sporrer was on the Board at that time and he refused to endorse that amendment and he refused to second my motion because he wants to keep our members from knowing how their own elected Directors have voted - including himself.

The bottom line is simple. If you want an open voting record for all Regional Directors, then mark your ballot for the two candidates most likely to support it: Bob Kuczewski and Alan Crouse. While you may not find "Open Voting Records" listed among Alan's top priorities, I have spoken to him and I believe he would support that issue if it came up for a vote. Neither of the other candidates (both incumbents) have been willing to make that commitment.

For more information on my other positions (National Pilots Forum, Fair Processes, HG/PG Committees, Open EC Meetings, Open Board Meetings, etc), please contact me by phone or by email or visit:

Thanks for your time,
Bob Kuczewski
H4/P4, Aeronautical Engineer, Private Pilot, Former Director
Phone: 858-204-7499